Mets to Peritoneal Lining

Discussion Board Forums Introductions! Mets to Peritoneal Lining

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  • #31717

    Hello Don and welcome to our site. I don


    My 74 year old mom was diagnosed with cholagiocarcinoma one year and one week ago. Not resectable. Over last year, she has had 1 round of radiation/xeloda then 1 round of gemzar/cisplatin and then 2 rounds of gemzar/xeloda. Her last ct scan last week shows new mets to peritoneal lining and ovarie but tumor in bile duct is stable. Her dr said standard treaments using varations of gemzar/cisplatin/xeloda are not working and he is recommending a phase 1 trial at MD Anderson using: Valproic Acid, Carboplatin and Azacitidine. Has anyone heard of this protocol? Any other recomendations?
    Thanks, Don.

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