Mixed News

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  • #79587


    Great news about the labs and all, but sorry you two had to put up with the uneducated jerk. Glad he is out of the picture.

    Love & Hugs,


    So happy for the good labs!! Sorry about the rad doc…what a jerk. Good that you have a good onc to guide you through!


    Thank goodness you are an educated, prepared and assertive advocate for your husband. He is so lucky to have you! Sorry you wasted time with that appt. we have caught oversights many times and had to redirect doctors (most recently a good rad oncologist) as to reason we were referred to him in the first place.
    Congrats on the great bloodwork and the great onc who is in your court!


    Geez. Kris! Look upon the bad DOC as a sign yours is GREAT! I hope he gets it all sorted out and gives that “lay” person a desk to work at instead! HA, take that! As if everyone doesn’t have enough to worry about. OK, anger out, good karma back in!


    Yay about the blood work and labs. Sorry about all the other frustrations you had to deal with!


    Hi Kris,

    As to the rad onc, hmmm to say the least about him. I wouldn’t be impressed with him either if I was in your shoes! Glad to hear that your regular onc was not happy about him either and I’m sure that he will get that problem sorted for you both. Great news on the labs and the CA-19 and the rest of the numbers heading downwards too.

    My best to you both,



    So glad your oncologist is getting things straightened out for you guys. Love to read the blood work is good.


    Hi all –
    Mark and I spent the day in Seattle again. I swear at this time my car would drive itself up there and I could sleep.

    Met with the radiation oncologist and was NOT impressed. He was very negative and kind of beat around the bush too much. He wasn’t sure would Mark would be able to do the radiation due to his Mantle Radiation from his previous Lymphoma treatment. He was worried about more damage to his spine since it will have been in the radiation field and damage to the organs. Then he kept talking about irradiating the gallbladder bed….uh, dude it was not his gallbladder but his bile ducts at the point where the ducts form to the common bile duct. I had to tell him where it was staging and differentiation. I started asking questions about spacers and stuff like that….he didn’t have a clue. So we left and went to have blood drawn.

    Finally got to meet our regular oncologist and he was pissed. He didn’t even know who the doctor was that we saw and was not the doc that he wanted us to see. Seems Radiation Oncology changed us to a different doctor. He was upset. He said that he already knew we could do it, he just want the other ONC to go over it with us. So he was on a mission to get that all straightened out – find out who the other doc was and have one that he wants to look at him look at the records and they are pulling the records from the previous surgery. But needless to say we won’t be seeing that one again, not happy with him.

    However, his labs were great and CA 19-9 is 17 so very, very happy with that and all the rest of the numbers that were down because of chemo are now back to normal. He can resume all of his regular “stuff” and we can start exploring getting his shoulders fixed. :)


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