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    Thank you for all of the responses. I can always depend on your help!

    Well, they sent Mom home this afternoon. I personally wish that they would have kept her one more day, but they wanted to get her out of the “germ house.” The dr said that she could get so many more germs at the hospital than at home. I have a terrible sore throat, and Maddy hasn’t been feeling great but he wasn’t too concerned about that.
    Her stool culture (who would have ever thought that we would be talking about this?!?!?!) showed that it isn’t a bug, it is either an infection or from the xeloda. The only way to know if it is from the chemo is to see how she reacts next time… she isn’t too crazy about that idea. She was supposed to start again this next week, but the dr wants her to wait a little while. She will probably start back on March 17th.

    Marion, Moms fever does go down with meds and they gave her antibiotics.

    Tess, I am sure that it is true the sooner you get things taken care of the less likely it is to turn into a huge problem.

    Big hugs to everyone!


    Good morning Amy. I am sorry to hear about your Mom’s fever & stomach upset. We’ve been there several times with Dad, and every time is very frightning. At times Dad’s fevers are accompanied by extreme chills & this typically happens a day or two after chemo, but also surfaces at random moments during the day and night. (Dad was diagnosed back in Nov.). While often it passes after an hour or two under his heated blanket, we have to keep a very close eye because the fever in Dec. revealed an infection in the blood. It took them nearly a week of testing to determine it was an infection which they believe started near the biliary cath. He immediately takes a fever reducer once the temp starts going up, as the docs have said that its easier to get down when you nip it in the bud. The nausea is an issue too, and when it occurs, Dad takes the perscription strength anti-nausea meds.

    You & your Mom are in our thoughts.



    Amy….did they also run a tumor marker test? Also, we have seen (on this board) those patients with a prior resection being prone to ascending cholangitis. It is an infection occuring where the tiny bile ducts (which now replace the common bile duct) are sewn into the intestine. Has that been ruled out? Is your Mom responding to any antibiotics and is the iboprofin reducing her fevers?
    Tons of good wishes coming you way and please, stay in touch.



    Hi Amy,
    I am so sorry your MOm has been having hard days.. My Aunt has and has had the same symptoms. After the zeloda and gemzar she may get a low grade fever, feel awful and vomit. It is so hard to see a loved one feeling so awful and not able to make it better. Sounds like the doctors are covering all bases which is comforting to know. I hope she starts feeling better soon. MAybe try some 7 up. That seems to help my Aunt a little bit. Take care, Hollie


    Hmm, I haven’t heard that term before.


    Well, we have had a couple of hard days…. on Saturday Mom started running a fever and threw up. I took her to our local emergency room and they ran tests and didn’t find anything wrong. This morning she wasn’t any better, so I took her to the ER where she is getting treatments. They ran tests, including blood work, urinanalysis (not sure how to spell that), chest xray, and CT. The CT came back clear, so at least it looks like the cancer is stable. They saw some “ferning” around her pancreas, so the oncologist thinks that it is pancreatitis. Another dr said that he thinks that it is from zeloda. Any advice?


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