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  • #64562

    Vicky…..wonderful, Vicky. It is equally as nice to see that your Mom joins in with all the others for a morning breakfast.
    May all other infusion days be equally as nice.


    thanks everyone for the warm welcome. mom was a champ thru her chemo yesterday and thus far has been ok today. i know chemo effects are cumulative so we anticipate harder days ahead. she has a large group of retired friends that go to breakfast together on week days. she joined them for breakfast this morning. i wish everyone the best and i will stay in touch.


    Hi Vicki,

    Just wanted to welcome you to this site and let you know there are a lot of wonderful people on here that will offer advice and support you along this rough journey. I am so happy I found this website last year. I am sorry to hear about your mom, but I know she is in good hands with you being a nurse practitioner. My daughter, Lauren is the one with CC. She is only 26. I hope to hear from you again and let us know how your mom is doing. God bless.



    Vicky, I am a CC survivor, 3 years and 4 months cancer free. When I was diagnosed I was told 6-8 months to live! Please read my story at (click on The telegraph) there is HOPE!
    Lots of prayers-Cathy


    Vicky…I would like to follow Lainy and Gavin and welcome you to our site.
    You won’t have any problems meeting up with other members of this site. This is our gathering place for sharing information, ideas, and the never ending support needed when touched by this disease.
    I agree with Lainy and Gavin in that second or third opinions are desirable. You would want to reach out to physicians and centers “very” familiar with this disease.
    Vicky, have you been given an explanation as to why a resection has been ruled out? Is the tumor encroaching on major vessels? Given your Mom’s vitality and good health, I would think that age is not a factor in the decision not to operate.
    I am so glad that you have found us. Please stay with us, we care and we are in this together.


    Hi Vicki,

    Welcome to the site. Sorry that you had to find us all and I am sorry also to hear about your mum. But I’m glad that you’ve joined us all here as you’ve come to the best place for support and help, and I know that you’ll get tons of both from everyone here.

    As Lainy has said to you, have you looked into getting further opinions for your mum and if so, what did they say? My dads CC was also inoperable from diagnosis and he had PDT with a metal stent inserted too for his treatment. How is your mum doing after her first chemo treatment? We have a great chemo board here on the site with loads of contributions from the members and you will get a ton of information over there.

    I know that you’ll have questions so please feel free to ask them and we’ll do what we can to help in answering them. We can’t promise to have all the answers but we’ll do our best to help. Please let us know how things go for your mum and please know as well that we are all here for you. We know what you are going through and we care.

    My best wishes to you and your mum,



    Hello Vicki and welcome to our extraordinary family but sorry you had to join us. My husband was 73 when he was DX and the CC was contained in his bile duct valve. May I ask where you hail from and where is Mom being treated? We are big advisors of 2nd and 3rd opinions. Glad you have done a lot of research as knowledge is one of the best ways to fight this CC. Please keep us updated on your Mom and know that you have come to the right place.


    Hi, My name is Vicki. My mom age 73 was dx. 3 weeks ago with CC, intrahepatic, 9.5 cm . it seems that it is contained to the bile duct, She began chemo today. she will take (not sure the name) chemo 1 time a week for 2 weeks, have a week off take it 2 more weeks then get another scan. She has been told it is inoperable. I am thrilled to have found this site. I am a NP so I have been doing a lot of research over the past couple of weeks. My mom symptoms were intermittent pain in liver area. she has no nausea, appetite changes and all of her labs including liver function have been normal. She is very active and normally healthy. I look forward to meeting patients as well as other family members here.. Have a blessed day…..

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