Mom back in hospital

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    Diane, that is so funny, about the robe. That was so my mother! My parents were in their late 80’s and my Dad still had to color coordinate what he wore to not conflict with her choice of clothes. And yet she never shopped for herself as my Dad would pick out all her clothes! They lived in Miami for 25 years and went on 55 cruises as that is where she could really strut her stuff. She was Queen of the shuffleboard courts as she was the only woman playing and her biggest decision every day was what bathing suit to wear to play in. Yep, Dad kept a watchful eye on her, they were a hoot.


    Ha, ha, Diane, I fully get it. Who would not want to look good in a hospital wheelchair cruising down the hall?
    Your Mom is great. Hope she feels better real soon.


    Lainey….she is also vain….and that is OK by me, if it helps!

    Found out yesterday that she has a difficult strain of C diff, brought on by antibiotics and excacerbated by the chemo…..two new meds….she is wped out, but managed to sit in a chair for 30 mins today….

    I have left to get my youngest daughter back to school and a ever grateful that my brother from Atlanta is able to be with her….

    He told her he would wheel her down the hall to see the sunlight…..she insisted that he buy her a new robe first!



    Dear Deane, I have to giggle as your Mother reminds me of mine. A little lipstick and a hairbrush and the world was hers! I might add that my Mom was a little vain but that is ok as it got her through. Looking forward to Mom’s next update.


    Deane……it is one of those …take it one day at a time…situations. Great to know that your Mom is feeling better, is comfortable and that she had a happy meeting with her oncologist. A great day indeed.


    And Lainey……she ‘heard’ him today when he talked about being ‘disconcerted’ about the tumore growth…..she said….well, I’m just a big old sack of protoplasm…let’s just get through this hump and see what we can do!

    She will surprise me…no matter WHAT!

    Thanks for you encoragement :)


    Mother still in CCU step down and feeling stronger today….2 blood transfusions helped her ‘pink up’ a little…and a good hairbrush, nice lotion and some red lipstick helped even more….nothing like looking better to make you feel better:)

    Her oncologist came by….he is a lovely man….she adores him…he saw her through stage 4 lung cancer 7 yrs ago and my grandmother with leukemia and started my Dad on his journey with anaplastic thyroid cancer….thye are old buddies and he pulled up a chair and talked politics and joked for a long while this afternoon….she had fun!

    Have been looking at diagnosis stats…we ARE a rare bunch, aren’t we? I am ready to get on board with increaing awareness!


    Sorry for the roller coaster your Mom is on. Glad you got her to ER for hydration and other symptoms. Stay strong. We are all here for you.
    Hugs, Lisa


    Dear Deane, I am glad Mom got on an antibiotic and to me it is always a good thing, to hear what the ONC is finding, even if we don’t want to hear it. At least then we get a new path of treatment. Mom may still pull some surprises for you! Good surprises. Stay strong!


    Excuse all the typos… keys need a good cleaning!


    Excuse all the typos… keys need a good cleaning!


    Update on Mom…..

    More hydrated and feeling SO much better today! Giver her a transfusion….more plasma expander and an antibiotic for the sepsis….heart rate is still high….and the the thorasic surgeon came by to discuss the reason for the unequal BP…..blocked artey going to her left shoulder….”incidental ” find…he will do one more study, but because she is asyptomatic, will probably follow her unless efinds something else……

    The CT also showed that her mas which was 8.5 on Dec 12 is now 11.2 cm and the nodule in her right lung is also growing… chemo for now since she is so weak….Onc said today that, unless she improves dramatically, chemo will not be an option….

    So….For today….she s resting well….and peaceul….and thats a blessing and bonus after yesterday!

    Thanks for all of your kindness and encouragement….I feel lucky to have found you.



    Hi there,
    A difference in BP on the different arms(or legs ) can be related to the aorta or heart.Blood pressure is usually higher on the dominant arm(usually the right) normally so depending on which arm it was it might not be a huge difference.
    If it is related to tumour pressure that would be unusual and I dont think we have had that presentation before.
    I hope your mum picks up quickly and is able to go home


    Hi Deane,

    My daughter is on Xeloda also but is lucky enough not to have gotten diarrhea from it. I know that is a side effect though. I don’t know about the weird BP. I wish I could be of more help. I hope your Mom begins to feel better soon. Take care and keep us posted.

    Love, -Pam


    Thanks, Gavin! Just told her that you are all right behind her on the computer screen – she grinned :)

    They are saying that the extreme diarrhea was a nasty side effect of the Xeloda…..who one earth knows about the weird BP….we shall see!

    I wish you could all know her….she is such a dear… and witty….and beautiful :)

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