Mom back in hospital

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    Hi Deane,

    Sorry to hear what your mum is going through right now and sorry also to hear that she is back in the hospital again. I hope that her doctors get to the cause of her issues asap and please keep us updated on how she does. As to the difference in BP from her left and right arm, I have never heard of this either. If someone has heard of this or has any info to share on this I am sure that they will do so here. Stay strong Deane and know that we are here with you.

    My best wishes to you and your mum,



    Thanks,Lainey! Will update as I know more….and yes….she is a real trooper! A Southern Steel Magnolia!


    Dear Deane, so sorry about your Mom and I sure hope they find the problem and fix it quickly. She is a real trooper to say the least. Sending you and Mom best wishes and please do keep us updated.


    My mother finished her two week ‘on’ schedule with Xeloda on Wednesday night….had labs drawn yesterday and was very, very weak and tired. Started having uncontrollable diarrhea last night….it resolved at about midnight with the help of 4 doses of Immodium, but started again this morning at about 4:30. Called 911 – when she was admitted to ER, her heart rate was 140 and BP was about 70/40……hydration and plasma has helped….but now she has a 20 point difference in her left and right arm BP’s….just did a CT to see if her tumor has grown enough to be pressing on her aortic valve….Has anyone else had this???



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