Mom battling cc for over a year and dad dies

Discussion Board Forums Grief Management Mom battling cc for over a year and dad dies

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    Dearest Joyce, Darla, Marion, Barbara, Lainy, and Janet

    How nice it feels to be heard and responded to. Thank you very much for your thoughts and prayers and sharing. I guess we all have a story if we’re on this board.

    What are your relationships to cc?

    Hope peace finds it way into your hearts today.


    I am so sorry for the loss of your Father. I, too, believe in predestination, and also believe that God has a plan for each and every one of us, although we can not always see what it is with our little, human pea-brains! I hope he will give you strength now as you nurture your Mom through her illness.

    Take care,




    I am so sorry for your loss. This must all seem so surreal right now. I too believe that everyones day of death is written & that no one or nothing can change that. Remember that your Dad will be there waiting for your Mom. Try to get some rest as you will need all the strength you can gather to support your Mom through the rest of her journey. She is very lucky to have such a wonderful caring daughter. Take care. My thoughts & prayers are with you & your Mom.

    Love & Hugs,


    Hello Natasha, I also would like to welcome you and appreciate you sharing your story. I am so sorry to hear of your Dad’s passing. Is your Mom still at the hospital? Hopefully, you will be able to get some well deserved rest.
    Hugs coming your way,


    I am so deeply sorry for your loss. I hope your father didnt suffer too much.
    You are in my thoughts and prayers.
    Peace and Prayer


    Dear Natasha, we are so very sorry to hear of your dad’s passing. It’s all so unbelievable that so much can happen in so short of time. Perhaps your dad went on ahead to pave the way for your mom to follow down the road when its time. You sound like a wonderful daughter and he knows you will be strong and
    do what has to be done. Our prayers are with you.


    Hi Natasha-how terrible for you and your mum to lose your dad and how unreal it must seem.You must be so exhausted too.I hope you can recover some energy to help you through all this.Im so sorry about your dad
    kind regards Janet


    Hi to all you wonderful people.

    I just need to say so , so here goes.

    My mom, Mary has been thru chemo and is hospitalized for 65 days with a bile drain, antinausea pills and a series of infections she has over come. My dad who was 76 and still working and preparing meals, and visiting her in the hospital, suddenly had a minor heart attack, survived it had 2 stents put in, then was told he could go to work in 2 days. They kept feeding him blood thinners and even a pill to thin out his veins after he’d been complaining a massive headache after the procedure and they couldnt get his wrist to stop bleeding where the stent went thru. He did of an aneurysm the next day. His funeral was yesterday. I’m the primary care giver for my mother and today everyone who helped with the funeral is exhausted and I just needed to tell my story.

    A nurse just told me that he believes every ones day of death is written. May god bless my father soul, forgive him and give the rest of us strength.

    Thanks for listening.

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