Mom. Cancer? What????

Discussion Board Forums Introductions! Mom. Cancer? What????

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    Hi Diane,

    Welcome to the site. Sorry that you had to find us all and I am sorry to hear about your mum. But I am glad that you have joined us all as you will get a load of support and help from us all. My dad was diagnosed back in 2008 and his CC was also demmed inoperable due to it’s location, too close to arteries so surgery was ruled out.

    I am glad that you say that your mum has gotten a bit better now and has started chemo and I will keep my fingers crossed for the best possible outcome to this. I know that this is all very tough to deal with and you have been through so much very quickly, I was the same with my dad and also thought it so unfair as like your mum, my dad had no history of poor health.

    i hope that you keep coming back here and feel free to ask any and all questions that you have and we will all do what we can to answer them.

    My best wishes to you and your mum,



    Hi dianemes:

    I had my surgery at the University of Chicago, and my oncologist was there. I am currently looking for a second opinion at Mayo.

    What doctor does your mother have at the University of Chicago?



    I’ve found the right place! ; )

    It is the University of Chicago and they have been absolutely FABULOUS! Any issues that may have popped up mom’s PITBULLS, my 3 brothers and myself, have fought for her. Let me just say that none of the doctors forgot who her family was as someone was always there and didn’t cut them any slack! The really great doctors applauded us for being her advocates.

    The hardest part is that mom was as strong as a horse. No heart disease, diabetes, thyroid nothing.

    As hard as it is, today is a good day as she is still here!



    Welcome to our strange, little world here.

    It sounds like you have had a lightning fast education in cc and that the treatment plan is in place but if you have any questions, this is the place to be. Not sure if by UofC you mean University of Chicago or some other university but I am in Chicago and there are several others, LindaZ is a patient who posts and she is being treated at University of Chicago so you might want to compare notes if that is where your mom is going.

    Also, does your mom have any other health issues?



    Welcome, Diane, to our wonderful family. CC is a whole different world that no one wants to be in. The important thing is that your Mom is now heading in the right direction. There are lots of suggestions on our site about nutrition, please use the Search Engine at the top of the page and perhaps you can get some good ideas.
    No changes to the tumors is good and let’s pray for those existing ones to be gone at the next scan. You are not alone here and please keep us posted.


    Hello Diane and welcome to the club no one wants to belong to although, happy to have found. I believe that most of us are in shock when given the diagnoses of cancer however, somehow we emerge stronger than ever thought before.
    You might want to entice your Mom with eating some of her favorite foods in fact, food with a high calorie count may give her back some strengths.
    This cancer is not like the other major cancers you may be familiar with. This one differs dramatically in its rate of occurrence and its somewhat unpredictable way of behaving. Therefore, please reach out to the great members on this site, as they will be there for you. In addition to the cancer support group you are attending now you will be glad to have joined this board. Hang in there; we are in this together.
    All my best wishes,


    We knew mom was really sick when she decided she needed to go to the doctor in May. At first they thought she had a UTI. Well . . . it wasn’t!

    On Tuesday, June 1, mom went back to the doctor and was sent directly to the hospital. Needless to say, I freaked out when I found out she was hospitalized. When I got to the hospital to see her, she was the color of an over ripe banana.

    The local hospital would not even touch her case after doing a CT scan. Shipped her to UofC. Her bilirubin was through the roof at 21. Numerous procedures were done: Biliary drain, stent, another drain, changed stent . . . The whole family was with mom and dad when we finally saw the surgeon and was told it was inoperable. The tumor had choked both main branches and also involved her gallbladder. She basically spent June in the hospital. July was a little better. We celebrated mom and dad’s 50th anniversary in the hospital.

    We were getting ourselves prepared for chemo to start as she was recovering and gaining some strength. Then . . . August came and mom had to have her biliary drains changed. Great, mom had a fever after the procedure and didn’t call the doctor or go to the ER immediately. She went septic on us and almost died. I was soooooooo angry!!! And if that wasn’t all that could happen, they couldn’t decide whether she had had a stroke or not because of the infection. Yet another procedure . . . stroke/not a stroke, something happened and there was a spot on her brain and her speech was affected.

    Happy to say that she has gotten much better and has FINALLY started chemo. Her bilirubin is down to normal. I think the doctors were just as shocked as we were. There are no significant changes to the tumors as of the last CT just a couple of weeks ago. She is very tired, hair is falling out, 50 lb weight loss, no appetite etc.

    I struggle with seeing her this ill. She is 71 and never been sick. WHY her? I know there is no answer, which just really sucks as far as I’m concerned.

    I’m lucky and have a cancer support center that provides free services to cancer patients and their families.

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