Mom diagnosed

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    Hi Ron,
    Yes, my dad was with her. Before the CT scan she had an echo of the liver and I was with her at the time. Even when her tumormarkers multiplied by 4 her physician told her she had nothing to worry about, I know because I was with my mum and dad during that consultation. The sad thing is that he admitted to our general practitioner that he thought that was the best thing to say to her. Worrying your patient is not something you do, he said. I trusted him, I really did. That is why this news is so hard to take. That is also why I am so angry now.

    Thanks Ron



    Hi Pat

    That must have been devastating news you received about your mother’s latest CT scan. I would have to say, however, that I am really surprised to learn that her physician lied to her about the scan. My experience, and I think that of most members here, is that the doctors may not have all the answers but generally do not hold back from telling how things are. They may not rellish giving bad news but they certainly do it. Was anyone with your mother when the physician spoke to her? Is it possible that she didn’t want everyone to know the bad news so that she could have her holiday with your father without everyone worrying?

    All the best



    Hi Kara,
    I wish you all the best. My mum (68) was diagnosed with cc in April 2007. She’s had a whipple and chemo. Her liver was totally tumor free after the operation. But now, she has metastasis in her abdomen, small intestents and pancreas. There is no more hope. My parents are off on vacation to the south of France (we live in Belgium) thinking all is well because her physician decided to lie to them. I’ve gotten the news today from her general practitioner that the future looks very grim.

    I’m so angry I don’t quite know what to do… except hope that my parents have the time of their lives together, because it’s going to be the last vacation they have together.

    Take care and wishing you all the best


    I agree with thecdr in re: to other forms of treatment. You might want to collect all medical records (CT scan, MRI, doctor’s reports, etc.,) and forward it to another physician or facility familiar with CC such as UCSF. I am assuming your location is somewhere in Northern California.
    You might want to use the search function on top of the page by entering sirspheres, or theraspheres, or Y-90 in order to peruse the treatment protocols of other members on this board.
    Wishing for the absolute best,


    Kara, are sirspheres or theraspheres an option for your mom? they are specifically aimed at the tumors in the liver. Originally this was for mets from colorectal cancer, but they have been having luck with CC


    Hi Kara,

    Tough situation but the good news sounds real good!! My prayers are with you and your Mom as she works through her chemo treatments. You are a solid anchor for her support through these trying times.


    My mother was diagnosed with cholangiocarcinoma in September 2007. She was having pain, and the doctor said she had gallstones that required surgery for removal. During the surgery they found a tumor and it tested positive for cc. She has since been treated at Stanford with the Cyberknife and is receiving chemotherapy using Gemzar. She went for her followup at Stanford about three weeks ago, and they told her they had good news and bad news. The good news was the tumor they had used the cyberknife on was gone; the bad news was they could see several more tumors on her liver. They told her there was nothing else they could do for her there. I guess the tumors on the liver must have been microscopic at the time she had her first PET scan.

    My Mom is 75, and want to be one of the miracle patients. She knows in reality that she probably won’t be, but you never know. I saw her last week, and she looks pretty good. She has lost weight and is tired, but that is probably due to the chemo.

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