Mom diagnosed with cholangiocarcinoma

Discussion Board Forums Introductions! Mom diagnosed with cholangiocarcinoma

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    Hello-I was diagnosed on July 31,2008. I learned from this site how lucky I am. I skipped all the “oh my gosh” and went straight to this is what you need and this is what we are going to do. I am thankful everyday my local doctor was on vacation because my ERCP would have been done with a local GE and I would have had a whole different outcome. Believe in miracles and prayers-sending lots your way- Cathy


    jathy, when were you diagnosed?


    Samlee-I am a cc survivor. I am alive today because of the power of prayer and the worlds greatest doctor, Dr. William Chapman at Barnes-Jewish Hospital in St. Louis, MO. Barnes is #9 in nation. I have posted many time about how lucky I am to have ended up at Barnes in a clinical trial for liver transplant. My tumor was inoperable and only hope was a transplant. Barnes and Mayo Clinic are the 2 top hospitals in this trial. Listen to this site and all the info because most GE’s have no expierence in this cancer and it shows up with negative results. The first words out of my doctors mouth were “I know what I am looking at and know it will come back negative” those words saved my life.
    My diagnose was also made through an ERCP and no symptons except itching. If you need help and answers you are on the best place to find it. Feel free to contact me if you need more help. Good luck and lots of prayers-Cathy


    Samlee, welcome to our wonderful family. My husbands was in his bile duct valve and we were on vacation and had to take who we could! We lucked out. He bought Teddy another 5 years. Mayo Clinic in Rochester MN and MD Anderson are 2 of the top places for CC. If you tell us where you live I am sure you will get posts on who is good in your area. If I may suggest you re post under Introductions and start a new thread as I am afriad you may get lost in the middle of this one. I think then you will receive more posts.Wishing you good luck with your Dad.


    Welcome to the board. This is a great place to get information and support. Gavin always says that we are sorry you had to find us but glad you are here and I echo his sentiment. My husband was/is not a surgical candidate so I cannot help on that front. We are here for you so post frequently. Blessings, Susan


    Hi everyone. I never thought about joining this board until today. I was in the hospital for 2.5 days caring for my jaundiced, pain-free dad. Short & swqeet- the scans and ERCP show a tumor blocking the duct, hence his high bilirubin & yellow appearance.

    Cytology will be available on Wed, but all 3 different GEs practically gave their apologetic condolences. Surgery is next for dad, and I hope we can remove it w/o finding much damage.

    cholangiocarsinoma sucks.

    How did y’all find your specialist surgeons? Any trials we could enroll him into?

    Thanks, and I am sorry for your losses too. For the survivors and thrivers, you are rock gods!



    Sorry to hear your mom has cc. Welcome to our little club here, there is a wealth of information here and some of the darn nicest people so visit often and ask questions. Where is your mother being treated? How old is she? Does she have any other health problems? Is she receiving chemo?




    Welcome to the site. I am sorry to hear what your mum is going through right now and I wish also that you didn’t have to find us all. We know how you feel right now and we know what you are going through, but please do not give up hope. We are all here for you, so keep coming back and if we can help then we will. Please let us all know how your mum is doing.

    I am sending you and your mum a load of positive thoughts.



    Please know that the wonderful folks on this forum know what you are going through. So come here to talk it through – you’ll find compassionate support. Prayers for you and your Mom…

    Grace and Peace,


    Acuevas – Our thoughts and prayers are with you. Each invasive procedure brings its own set of potential complications. Hang tough, push the doctors, and don’t wait to seek care. You will do the very best you can. Give mom lots of hugs and keep us posted. Blessings, Susan



    Welcome to our little family. My dad’s first stint in the hospital was 44 days. It is amazing what the body can pull through. Hang in there!!!

    All the best,



    Hang in there! Prayers are coming your mom’s way from Wisconsin. Please keep us posted on your mom. My husband was in the hospital for three weeks after his liver resection. Just recently his kidneys and liver were not doing so well because of an infection in the liver but with heavy IV Antibotics he is on the mend.

    Go with God…


    Hello all,

    My mom was recently diagnosed with cholangiocarcinoma in July 2010 since then she had surgery on July 12 where her gall bladder and 3cm tumor from her bile duct was removed. She had a stent placed in her stomach, and went to ICU shortly after we have now been in the hospital for 3 weeks. She is starting to have kidney and liver failure. The cancer has began to spread to her liver. I feel loss and helpless.

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