Mom Recently Diagnosed

Discussion Board Forums Introductions! Mom Recently Diagnosed

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    Thank you all for your responses. My mom is currently taking a nausea medicication but no appetite stimulant. She has been having trouble keeping some things down lately, but she really seems to enjoy fruits, fruit juices, Pellegrino water, yogurt and milk. Having trouble getting a lot of protein in her, but we are working on it. We have started trying Carnation Instant Breakfast (since Ensure and Boost do not set well on her stomach), and that has been working so far. Definately been tough on her and an emotional roller coaster for all of us.

    We are all keeping the positive thoughts flowing and the information and inspirational stories on these message boards have really been helping!


    Hi there,

    Welcome to the site and I am sorry that you had to find us all but glad that you have joined. I hope you keep coming back here and please feel free to ask a ton of questions and if we can help then we will. The more informed you are the better.

    Is your mum taking any medication for her loss of appetite and nausea? If not then there are a variety of meds out there that can help with these issues. My dad had his troubles with nausea and he went through quite a few types and combinations of meds to deal with this. And is your mum taking any type of supplement to help with her nutritional needs right now?

    I will keep my fingers crossed that the chemo and radiation does it’s job and that it does shrink your mums tumour so that she will be a candidate for surgery, loads of positive thoughts coming your way from me.

    My best wishes to you and your mum,



    Welcome to our forum but we are sorry you had to find us! My mom was given a liquid med that she took one time a day. It was called Megace and was an appetite enhancer. It worked beautifully for her. Ask your physician about this.

    There is also a wonderful site which sells protein powders that are wonderful. They are medical quality and come in 6 flavors and can be added to anything.

    Please come often and ask anything you need to know. We are all here for you!

    Hugs to you and your family!



    It is amazing to me that my husband has done well with whatever sounds good to him to eat. Now, he gets sick on everything but for some months, he was able to eat cottage cheese with fruit and soups and smoothies. BLessings, Susan


    Welcome to this wonderful web site where you will find so much information as well as a world of support. Please feel free to ask questions as you go along….there is a wealth of knowledge, experience, and wonderful human beings on this web site who will try to help you through this complicated disease. Have you tried Carnation Instant Breakfast for your Mom to drink? It has lots of calories and is usually well tolerated. It’s as good as Ensure but much more reasonably priced.


    Hi All – my mom was diagnosed with bile duct cancer as well as cancer in the lower left lobe of her liver the the week before Thanksgiving. It took quite a while for her to be diaganosed and in the process she went from 220lbs to 150lbs. Due to the size of the tumor, they have opted to start with chemo (Gemzar) and high dose radiation to try to shrink it first and then re-evaluate again in February to see if they are able to do surgery. We are all praying that she is able to have the surgery. In the meantime, we are struggling to get her weight up as she has continued to lose weight due to loss of appetite and nasea.

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