Mom Recently Diagnosed wtih Mixed CC/HCC

Discussion Board Forums Introductions! Mom Recently Diagnosed wtih Mixed CC/HCC

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    Hi Jeff… glad that you have found us. Indeed this cancer has a tendency to appear without any warning signs. Most of us are in shock and disbelief. But, as in your Mom’s case we then rise to the occasion and adapt to the changes in our lives. Dr. Abou-Alfa is a specialist with focus on both diseases, HCC and CC. Your Mom is in good hands.
    All my best wishes,


    Thanks for the well wishes. It’s a great comfort to personally hear from people that are going through or have been through the same thing.

    Its odd to think that mom is so sick, because other than some swelling and trouble swallowing, she seems so healthy. Shes as positive as I imagine anyone can be while understanding the prognosis, and we have resolved to fight this.



    Hi Jeff,

    Welcome to the site. Sorry that you had to find us all and I am sorry also to hear about your mum. But as Lainy says, you have come to the right place for a lot of support and help. And I am glad that you have introduced yourself after having lurked here, so please feel free to ask any questions that you have and we will do what we can to help in answering them.

    Yes it is indeed crazy how fast your world changes after a diagnosis of CC. I felt like that too when my dad was diagnosed. I had never heard of CC until then but came home and started googling and came here. And to be honest, it was the best thing that I could do at the time. You have done the right thing in coming here and seeking information that will help your mum. And the more information that you have then the better informed you will be when it comes to making decisions. So please keep coming back here. We know what you are going through and how you feel right now.

    My best wishes to you and your mum,



    Dear JeffL, welcome to our wonderful family. While I cannot answer your main question I can say you have come to the right place. It sounds like your Mom is in good hands and I do believe I have heard this Doctor’s name mentioned before. If you have other questions you can go to the search engine at the top of the page and type in anything and many posts will pop up on that given subject.
    You are so right about this being crazy and life changing. We call it a roller coaster ride as well. To survive as Caretakers and advocates we learn to be very strong, very strong indeed. I know some more posts will pop up soon but please keep us posted on your Mom. Wishing you both all the best.


    Hi All,

    My mom found a large liver mass a month ago in early May which has since been diagnosed as a very rare mixed Cholangiocarcinoma and Hepatocellular Carcinoma (Liver cancer). We managed to get her into Sloan Kettering with Dr. Abou-Alfa and she’s finishing up her second GemCis treatment today. She’s 62.

    I’ve been lurking on the boards trying to soak up as much information as possible, but I thought I’d be useful to introduce myself and ask some questions.

    Its been crazy how fast your world can change, but we’re adjusting to it. These boards have been a real encouragement in the fight, so thanks to all the contributors.

    Anyone heard of anyone else diagnosed with this mixed cancer? How much does treatment differ from plain Cholangiocarcinoma?

    Jeff L

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