Mom with CC and stroke

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    No, dad was not given a specific reason why they feel they can conclude the stroke has not been directly or indirectly linked to the chemo. I hate to keep saying this in our posts but mom and dad have always played their medical decisions “close to the chest”. Therefore, my wife and I have not been privy to the doctor’s conversations and consultations and we are not being given the opportunity to help ask the right questions to get to the right answers. So we can only assume that the oncologist that has been caring for my mother has been consulted about all this — and I hope and pray she has mentioned this Avastin effect to the rest of the team of doctors. If strokes are a side effect of Avastin are you aware of the percentage that have a recurrance and what the timeframe is for such a recurrance? Although this won’t affect the doctors or their treatments, we would like to know what to expect from this.

    Also, found out this evening the doppler test and ECHO have supposedly shown there is no blockage in the carotid arteries or anywhere else for that matter. They seem to be searching for the source of the clot. They have ordered a TEE test – to go through the esophagus to look at the heart. I know this is very invasive and if not done to perfection could lead to other problems, not to mention putting mom under anesthesia. Has anyone experience with such invasive procedures on CC patients at this stage(diagnosed at Stage IV) ? And they have discontinued all chemos for the duration. How aggressive do you think this CC can be once it has been under chemo and then had chemo withdrawn?


    While reading through your previous posts I noticed that Rob’s Mom had also been given Avastin, which has been linked to strokes in about 8 % of the cases. Were you given a reason as to why the physicians in the ER ruled out chemotherapy as the possible cause?
    Hoping for a speedy recovery.


    Hi Everyone,

    Rob’s Mom was diagnosed with inoperable CC in mid-June ’07 and has completed 16 weeks of combination chemotherapy. Her CT scan approx. 10 weeks ago showed no growth of the intrahepatic tumors, yet no shrinkage either. Yesterday AM she was at the emergency room with symptoms of a left-sided stroke and is now undergoing more diagnostic test (location, severity, prognosis, etc) as I write this note. She had been tired yet able to be quietly active at home this past week – she even wanted to prepare the Thanksgiving turkey this week. So, it was out of the blue for us that a stroke occurred. So this is my general question – Has anyone had experience with ischemic strokes (clot blocking vessels- not bleeding) with treatment for CC? In the ER they informed us chemotherapy did not cause the stroke. Her blood counts have been low at times including platelets yet, they did say she experienced a clot to vessels of the left side of the brain – not bleeding. we would really appreciate any information available. Thanks :)

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