Mom’s CC journey

Discussion Board Forums Introductions! Mom’s CC journey

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    You have found support here, I will add your mom to my prayers as I do all cc patients and their families.


    Dear Julie – I am so sorry that you and your family have to deal with CC. I am glad that mom is getting treatment at MD Anderson. There is so much that goes in to living with cc and we are here to listen to you, vent, share, cry, and care about your journey. Please keep us updated about mom and how you and your family are managing. Blessings, Susan


    Dear Julie, welcome to our wonderful family. Since you have been reading our posts you know that we do not listen to statistics, we deny and defy them and sometimes with great success. Also we were not born with an expiration date stamped on our feet. Mom is being treated at one of the best places she could be for CC. Someone recently posted about shrinkage and growth, can’t remember who but perhaps you will hear from them. If you go to our search engine at the top of the page and type in ‘proton radiation therapy’ some posts should come up for you to read. We also try to remain realistically optimistic as Attitude plays a great part in CC. You didn’t mentions your Mom’s age but she certainly sounds like a wonderful and brave lady already showing them what she has the power to do. Hang in, be strong and visit us often. Please keep us in the loop about Mom’s progress.


    Hello Everyone! My name is Julie and my wonderful mother has cc. I’ve been reading posts here for almost a year now, but never posted. Mom was diagnosed with stage IV cc last May and the year has been a blur. Her initial prognisis was 12-18 months, then 4-6 months. We went to MD Anderson in June and found hope there. Mom bravely endured 8 months of Gemcitabine/Cisplatin combo. In December, her oncologist told us that although she was responding to the chemo, the tumor was wrapped around an artery which meant no operation in her future. Her March scans showed a 20% overall shrinkage from last May, but growth in another area of the liver Last week she completed 5 weeks of proton radation therapy at MD Anderson and looks and feels better than she has in a year.

    I was wondering if anyone on this site had shrinkage and growth at the same time? Also, has anyone gone through proton radiation therapy? I have tried very hard to remain hopeful and not put too much faith in anything but God. Sometimes too much information has not helped that effort. But I believe it is time to reach out…I need it.

    As I read the posts of those who were taken so quickly, I am grateful for this time but hope for much, much more time with her.


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