Moms CT results

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    Yes :) I can say that I am thankful that mom is very well in her mind and these are decisions she can make for herself . I know it would be harder if I had to make them for her.


    Susan, just want to say that Teddy never had Chemo as 5 Docs said no. BUT he did have radiation for CYber Knife to bring the tumor down. He had 25 “hits” and did quite well at 75 years old. Only got real tired the last 2 weeks and then started to gain his strength back about a week after he was finished. I do know its a personal decision like to chemo or not. We were given the final prognosis that he had maybe 6 months but that the ONC would be willing to give Palliative chemo, Teddy asked, “How much time will it buy me?”. The ONC said maybe a month – 2. After 2 days of weighing it all he decided for quality over quantity. This is a question you may want to ask. I hope all of our experiences help but it is up to Mom while she can help make hr own decisions. Susan, here we spent a Saturday together, next time lunch and shopping, yes?


    Thanks Willow, my mom is 75 and growing tired of treatments she has mentioned several times forgoing all treatments, I’m hoping she will attempt Radiation but depending on our results Thursday I’m not sure what she will do.


    Hang in there, Susan. So difficult to get scary news. Chemo didn’t work for my sister so Drs switched gears to a different tx. Though its very disappointing news, Once you have the PET results and a new plan, you’ll feel better. It is hard to be away from loved ones during a time like this. Letters, cards, calls and emails help bridge the gap.


    Yes we all need to find a way to vent, I will post on Thursday hopefully good news. Thanks for the encouragement!


    Ah, I understand, now. Well, that would add to your nervousness. Unfortunately it will be a long ardous road no matter what so I hope you can cut yourself some slack. Not sure this will help or not. When Teddy was sick, Mama Mia was the rage. I would get in the car drive around for about 15 minutes, put my CD of Mama Mia on and sing so loud I was sure they heard me in the next County. Went home renewed as I love Abba! What I am trying to say is, work and Mom, work and Mom…some kind of release, no matter how small may help calm the nerves. I know you will advise us of the scan results as we like to be in your loop as well!


    I wish I could be her care taker but she is in Savannah and I live in Atlanta, it’s killing me to not be able to see her as much as I would like but I do spend most of my weekends with her. I wish she would move here but she is happy where she is and doesn’t want to leave. I am very fortunate to have many family members there that love her and help her but for me it’s not the same, I feel so helpless not being there for her and not having the option to go because I must work,.


    Susan, when your hands are tied, try to take it one day at a time. You need to use the recess time to regain mental and physical strength as being a Caretaker is the most draining job in the world! Be kind to the Caretaker. One reason I love MDAnderson is I get my own results the very next day. I guss the various places have their own rules. The Chemo may be working since there has been no change and we use that lovely word stable! The ONC can always switch up Chemos. Probably waiting for this next PET. Is Mom up for a nice lunch out? Something different and different atmosphere.


    Thank you Lainey, this is making me crazy. We will not get the results of the PET scan until Thursday. It’s going to be a long week!


    Dear Susan. My husband had a return of CC about 3 years after his Whipple. It was in the Omentum area, actually where the Duodenum used to be. It was 7CM and must be below that for Cyber Knife. He had 25 radiation treatments and that brought it down below 6CM and had a successful CK treatment. The tumor must be below the 7 and not have Metasisised to make it eligible for CK. Best of luck on this and I would def ask the ONC about it. I am just guessing here but CK could be an option.


    My mom got her CT results and they show fluid around the liver and a thickening in the omentum, they have now decided they will do another PET scan on Monday.they also mentioned a lesion on her liver that is about 1 cm, has anyone had this problem before? If the cancer has spread to the omentum how is that treated? Obviously the chemo isn’t working. Odd thing is that her original tumor site has had no change good or bad since the original diagnoses in July 2012.


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