Moms first Chemo treatment

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    Hi there, I’m glad to hear that your mom is doing well after her first tx. My mom is on the same chemo combo as yours, and she doesn’t seem to have any side effects from the chemo either. My mom also suffers from constipation. She uses enemas to cure it, they work like a charm for her. She knows that using enemas for an extended period of time can cause dependancy, but she doesn’t care. It only takes a moment to do it, and in reality she doesn’t have another 20yrs left to worry about that.


    Hi there,

    Thanks for the update on your mum and I am glad that she is doing well. I and I do like your fighting spirit!

    As to the constipation, my dad used Lactulose first thing in the morning and again in the evening and that seemed to work for him. He also like prunes so had them every few days or so for his breakfast. Once the Lactulose started working over time, his specialist cut the doseage and it kept on working for him. He also tried Movicol I think but that didn’t seem to be as effective.

    Good luck with everything and my best wishes to you.



    Did someone say constipation? Poop…my specialist topic of knowledge!

    1. Metamucil (is that spelled right?) great for making you regular. I took it when I had both extremes and can say it really was beneficial.

    2. Lactulose. It is really good at helping to “shift” things. It is basically a sugar so it doesnt taste bad. It is pretty gentle too in fact my vet suggested it for my kitty.

    3. Dried fruit. I am not into prunes so dried apricots were on my diet plan.

    Plus trying to keep active and moving does help too. Best of luck.



    That is great news TStewart keep up the great Attitude and good luck on the “things” that may not even come. I always say once the fight begins the fear of the unknown somehow seems to let go. Its just plain good news!!


    Thanks for the update. I am sorry to hear that your Mom has to deal with constipation. This seems to be an ongoing discussion on our board as it presents itself to be a problem to many. Until others have a chance to respond you might want to read up on the numerous threads regarding this subject. It is easy, simply, enter: “stool softener” in one of the search functions (either, google – top right-hand side of page or, top middle “search function”.) Good luck and I am hoping for this annoying problem to be solved real soon.
    Best wishes,


    Hi.. hope everyone had a great holiday. After all was said and done we really enjoyed this Christmas season. I got a spend it with my mother and thats the best gift. She had her first chemo treatment on New Years Eve and took it like a champ, she even went to a party that same night and stayed out at our neighbors till 1:30AM!!!. She got tired after the third day and has been resting. No upset stomach, or anything like that. Shes complaining about constipation, not sure what would help…if anyone has suggestions it would be appreciated.

    She came over last night and for the first time in a long time, she didnt look gaunt, her face looked full and pink, and she just looked great. I dont know if this is the calm before the storm but im just taking it and being thankful that her first treatment went good. Im sure there will be other bumps along the way but im just enjoying what it is right now. Ive made peace with what she has and have accepted it. Now were going to fight it and kick its ass!!! :) (thats my Brooklyn additude coming out)

    Anyway, just wanted to give you all the update and let you all know what was going on. Thanks again for all the advice you have given us so far (im sure we will need much more along the way).

    Hope you all had a great holiday and a happy 2010!!!!

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