Mom’s (Mary) changes

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  • #28179

    You have come to the right place, and you are not alone. My father right now is exactly where your mother is at. We are in the final stages of his life, and my heartache is imeasureable. I lay next to him alot, message him, hug him, kiss him, and know my world will be a much sadder place without him in it. I am so sorry for your moms and your own suffering that this cancer brought and is still bringing. You are a wonderful daughter, and I am certain it gives your mom great comfort that you are right there by her side as she takes this journey.
    Peace and Prayer in the days, weeks, months to come


    Hi I am thinking of you and knowing what you are going through(not exactly ,everyones experience is unique to them)You have a lot of support from the very kind people on this site ,and reach out to your own family and friends-they will help .Above all look after yourselves.Try not to worry over each symptom but look at the overall level of comfort
    take care Janet


    I am thinking of you as you make this sad journey. I know how diffeicult it is to be where you are. We are all here for you, whenever you need us, as you are there for you Mom.

    God Bless,
    Joyce C.


    LWilson… May love guide you through this journey of everlasting peace.
    We are with you, all the way.


    You are now experiencing what was the most difficult thing I have ever gone through with my sister. You are just sitting there looking for changes and the things they tell you to look for. I am truly sorry for you and what you and your family are dealing with. My sister never, ever showed any of the things they told us to look for. She had better vitals than I do the night before she passed. Her urine output was strong and hands were so warm to the touch. God Bless You and your family.


    This is probably the hardest road anyone can walk down. Bless her heart. She is also very lucky to have you by her side through this horrible journey. Hoping she stays more comfortable and take care of yourself too.


    I’m glad to hear that she is resting more comfortably now & that you are also feeling a bit better. Dealing with all of this is just so hard on everyone. Just remember that you can come here whenever you want or need to for comfort, help & support. This site & the people on it are all such wonderful caring & giving people. We all know & understand what you & your family are going through as we have all been there ourselves. Take care. I will keep you & your family in my thoughts & prayers.



    Hi all Thank you for all your support, I was a little weepy this morning until I read your posts !
    She is now coughing some, she must have regained her gag reflex from the stroke. She is resting comfortable. Urine has gotten a little darker and fingers and hands look different. She is one tough lady. I cannot believe that one can fight for days. God bless her, she is such a wonderful mom.

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