Mom’s Stents.

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  • #67528

    Good Morning my dear friends!

    Thank you ALL for being here yesterday as I stressed and worried while Mom was having her procedure!

    I just spoke with her this morning and she sounds FABULOUS!! You’d never even know she had surgery yesterday!

    We are eagerly awaiting Thursday’s appointment with her oncologist now. I will let you all know what he says as soon as I get back that afternoon!

    In the meantime, and I know I keep saying this but THANK YOU all so much! I don’t know how I would ever get through this without the guidance and love and support I find here!

    Warm Hugs!

    Christine xoxo


    Christine….I would like to echo everything said so far. Congratulations on everything. May your Christmas be the best ever imaginable. Get well soon and enjoy.


    I am so happy that everything you wished and prayed for came true! What a wonderful Christmas this will be for you and your family. I think that is so cute that your Mom made sure she got all of the paperwork for you. I hope your leg feels better real soon.
    Love to all,


    I am in HAPPY TEARS here… Thank you Lainy and thank you everyone!!




    Christine, YIPPEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YIPPEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Your Mom is not only doing well with what she needs she is doing well obtaining paper work and etc. Good for her, she sounds like a strong woman. How wonderful that your son will be coming home, “I’ll be home for Christmas…..” and please give him a big thank you from me. Christine, it doesn’t get any better than this. And just for good measure, YIPPEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    Ok Lainy!! I need that big YIPPEE!!

    Mom is on the way home. EVERYTHING went great. The 3 plastic stents are out and 2 metal ones are in. She did great and does not need to follow up with the surgeon. We will see the Onc on Thursday and he will have any and all info from today.

    Mom told everyone she came into contact with that she needed and demanded copies of every single piece of paperwork so she could give it to me. I will have those later this evening.

    PHEW!! I can breathe again!

    I have to tell you.. I had 2 wishes for this Christmas.. 1) I wanted my son home from Afghanistan for the holidays. We have not had him here in 2 years so this year will be super!
    and 2) I needed my Mom to be here with us.
    I got everything I needed and wanted :)

    HUGE hugs to all

    Christine xoxo


    Hi Christine, and I am so happy for you and your Mom, you tunred kind of a down day to an up day for me! Now listen girl, there is a right way and a wrong way to “kick” this Cancer and evidently you kicked it weirdly and look what happened to you! I am hoping the next post is deserving of a big yippee!


    Thanks so much Gavin!

    I just heard she should be out of surgery in the next 15-20 minutes so I should know more shortly!

    SO NERVOUS! lol

    Chris xx


    Hi Christine,

    This sounds like great news indeed! We so like hearing the word shrinkage and thanks for sharing this news with us all. As you say, let this be true! Sorry to hear about you being in crutches right now and I know that that must be extra hard for you right now with not being able to be there with your mum. And I am sure that you will be able to be there with your mum on Thursday!

    Please let us know more when you hear more. We are here with you!




    I am waiting for Mom to get back from surgery but so far the news I have been getting is GREAT!!!

    Mom had scans last Monday and apparently the doctor doing her stent replacement has seen the latest scan and told her that the tumors have SHRUNK MORE!! Oh please, please let this be true!!

    I am not with her today at the hospital as I have messed up my knee and am in a full length leg immobilizer and on crutches and pain meds, etc. It was just not possible for me to drive her and being on my leg all day was a definite bad idea so my doctor “grounded” me. She is with another family member so I know she is in good hands but I am going kind of nuts waiting to hear any news :)

    I am waiting to hear whether the plastic stents will be replaced with new plastic ones of if he opted to go with metal. When we met with this Dr in early November he said he did not want to use metal but today he said he may… Wishing so much I could have been there!!

    Mom has an appointment with the oncologist on Thursday to review her scans and discuss the future for her treatments. I WILL be there! I am so out of the loop with her at this point. It will be great to get some GOOD news for Christmas!

    I will let you know as soon as I hear anything more!!

    Hugs to all and thank you so much for being here and for caring

    Christine oxoxox

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