Mortality-related risk factors and long-term survival after 4460 liver

Discussion Board Forums Surgery, Resection & Transplant Treatment Options Mortality-related risk factors and long-term survival after 4460 liver

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    You got it Julie! Tons and tons of good luck is coming your way for this!! And of course, will be keeping everything crossed for you as well. And as far as the scanxiety goes, well you know that we are all here for you and will help as always if we can.

    Huge pre scan hugs for you!



    Gavin….have my finger crossed…..scans are about 2 weeks away or so…..end of the month….and I’m starting to not only get scanxiety….but something similar about discussing all this with the oncologist. I’m hoping that he just changes his tune, but it would have to be a 100% turn around….because he not only didn’t like the local treatment vs systemic approach, but also pretty much put down any other types of treatment other than chemo. And….this guy is supposed to be an expert with CC. I’m going ahead and talking to him…..because I think it needs to be addressed…out front and in the open. We danced around things a lot the last time we met…..though I was very sure he knew why we’d asked to see him….there had been consultations between doctors without us. Wish us luck!!!


    Glad to be of help as always Julie!

    Hoping that you will be printing that piece out and showing it to your Onc and hoping also that it will do some good too.




    This is good info for me right now before going to see my oncologist. Thank you for finding and posting this Gavin. I liked especially the last line…”Re-resection should be performed if reasonable.”

    Jullie T


    Mortality-related risk factors and long-term survival after 4460 liver resections in Sweden-a population-based study.

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