Mother has missed the window of chemo treatment???

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    Hi Eli and that was a good post. In my 6 years here I have NEVER heard that expression either (window of opportunity). In fact after Teddy’s radiation we were told it keeps on ticking like the Ever Ready Rbbit for a few months.


    Hi Lisa,

    I don’t understand this “missed window of opportunity” stuff.

    My wife had her surgery on July 4th. She started chemo-radiation on Sept 12th. That’s 10 weeks delay, which is fairly typical after Whipple. Our medical oncologist and radiation oncologist were in no rush to start chemo-radiation. They never mentioned “window of opportunity” or anything of that nature. They wanted my wife’s incision to fully heal before going into further treatments. We had to push them to start a.s.a.p.

    When my wife finished chemo-radiation, we saw more of the same attitude. Medical oncologist delayed the next chemo regimen by 2 months. He wanted to see a full recovery from chemo-radiation before proceeding with more chemo. Again, he never said anything about “window of opportunity”. My wife started systemic chemo at the end of December, five and a half months after her surgery.

    Bottom line:

    It’s good that you are making plans to seek a second opinion.

    Best wishes,


    I just love the way everyone helps each other on this site. All the best to you and your Mother, Lisa.

    Love, -Pam


    Sounds like a stellar plan to me!!!


    Thank you all very much with the advice, education, and contact info. My sister and I will be calling Dr. Chapman on Monday.

    Loves, Hugs, and Gratitude to all,


    Lisa, I have to agree with the others. A second opnion is a good idea. It can’t hurt and may put your mind at ease with what is going on. I am so sorry that your lovely mother is also fighting this horrible disease.

    Thinking of you and hoping you can get some answers.

    Love & Hugs,


    Lisa-I am very sorry about what your mom and family are having to go through. I have always felt that when in doubt a second opinion is the route to go, the worst scenario is that it will confirm what you have already been told. My mom had non-hodgkins lymphomia and after several chemo treatments she was to weak to continue and we were told to take her home and get her affairs in order. Thanks to the internet we found one of the best oncology doctors for her cancer at University of Nebraska Medical Center (how convient she lived in Omaha NE!!) who had a different treatment plan and my mom went on to live several more years, never succumbing to this cancer!!
    I would suggest you call my miracle worker Dr. William Chapman (1-314-362-5376), he will take your phone call and will probably be very upfront about whether your mom has more options, and she won’t even know that you are questioning her doctor.
    Lots of prayers-Cathy


    Lisa….I am sorry to hear that your Mom has had so many issues following the surgery. Hopefully things will turn around now and your Mom will be able to regain her strengths.

    I also would like to share with you what I have learned:
    Surgery suppresses the immune system and stimulates angiogenesis (tumors transition from dormancy to malignancy) possibly leading to tumor growths. There is a timeline for adjuvant therapy to most effective in eradicating micrometastases and that is six to eight weeks post surgery. Once this time has lapsed it is believed for treatments to be ineffective. But under certain circumstances (as it so happens in your Mom’s case) the doctor may decide that the body is too weak to receive chemotherapy and he/she may then choose to treat occurrences as (and if) they occur.

    Several of our members have been treated at the Huntsman Cancer Institute therefore; I assume that the physicians are quite familiar with this disease. However, as Lainy has mentioned, a second opinion always is advisable. If anything it will confirm what has been told already.

    I hope for others to chime in and share their thoughts also.

    All my best wishes are heading your way.



    Will do, thank you Lainy!


    Hi Lisa, please seek a second opinion. Of course your Mother is exhausted with all that is going on in her! Have her Amonia levels been checked as when high they can make her incoherent. Not saying that is the cause but should be checked. We do advise all CC patients to go to major Cancer Centers and one should always ask how many CC cases they treat a year. Because it is a Cancer Center does not mean it treats a lot of CC patients. I definitely go with what your Sister is saying.
    Please keep us posted as we truly care.


    Hi I haven’t posted since February or March when we found out that my mother has CC and was able to have surgery the first week of March. The tumor, bile duct and over 50% of her liver was removed, however, the cancer was still in her nerves. The doctor said that when she regains her strength she will have chemo and radiation. Well after being in the hospital for a month with UTI and other issues, she went home to return a week later for another two weeks due to a fluid near her lungs, a fever due to an abscess near her liver, extreme swelling in her legs, as well as somewhat incoherent. A couple of weeks ago she had a port inserted for chemo treatment and then returned a week later for the treatment only to find out that she is still to weak. The doctor said that he doesn’t feel that she will be strong enough for treatment in two weeks and that after that she has missed the window of opportunity. That he will give her CT Scans every three months and when a tumor appears they will react with chemo treatment. This is confusing and my sister has repeatedly said to our parents to get a second opinion. They feel that they are in good hands at the Hunstman Cancer Institute and I believe they were with Dr. Kim who is was the surgeon. But I am not sure with her current physician who came from MD Anderson.

    My mother is only 65, she is the sweetest most loving woman you will ever meet. It’s hard to see my mother age so much since February. She says she wants to live, but she doesn’t seem to have the fight in her. I am worried that we are losing precious time and my mother isn’t the type to question doctors; I welcome any advice.

    Thank you,

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