mother-in-law update

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  • #60115

    THANK YOU Lainy


    Dear Jen, I am so very sorry to hear about all your unfortunate news. I hope your husbands surgery goes well and he must know that there is nothing he can do about helping his mother until he is better. If people are in denial there is not much that can be done. You really have your hands full and I wish we could help somehow. In the meantime I will send prayers your way.

    I asked for strength.
    God gave me difficulties to make me strong.
    I asked for wisdom.
    God gave me problems to solve.
    I asked for prosperity.
    God gave me brawn and brain to work.
    I asked for courage.
    God gave me dangers to overcome.
    I asked for patience.
    God placed me in situations where I was forced to wait.
    I asked for love.
    God gave me troubled people to help.
    I asked for favors.
    God gave me opportunities.
    I received nothing I wanted.
    I received everything I needed.


    HI everyone, I know I haven’t posted much but I feel like all I ever have is bad news and I’m trying so hard to not be a “debbie downer”.

    My MIL’s bili finally got down really low and was able to have the CT in chances of having the SIRspheres. Well, the CT showed excessive amounts of fluid in her abdomen. On Good Friday, she had her first abd tap – they removed 5.9 liters of fluid. The CT also showed several new tumors on the liver. They range from 4cm to 6 cm. The main tumor is still as large 85 mm x 80 mm. They could not exclude “something” on her lung. Her insurance denied PET scan, even with 2 appeals from the doctor at RWJ New Brunswick. Her oncologist feels that he would not treat her any differently even with PET scan results.

    My MIL continues to want to do chemo. She had 2 rounds – about 5 weeks apart – of gem/cistp. It made her quite uncomfortable so she was changed to gem/oxal and has had 2 rounds of that. It was after the first round of gem/oxal that she complained of abdominal discomfort but we didn’t investigate fluid until the CT identified it.

    She had a tap again Friday, 4/20 two weeks after the first, and they drained 6.7 liters this time. This is quite concerning to my husband and I.

    Sadly, we feel his brother and his mother remain in denial of how severe this is and how very limited our time is. She is not getting her affairs in order. We don’t really know how to get them to understand and maybe it’s better that she doesn’t. We really don’t know.

    On top of all this, my husband is a career fire fighter and last week he blew out his knee at work. He’s on crutches, non-weight bearing on his knee and will be having surgery in the next 2 weeks. He is extremely down and feels that he cannot be the support his mother needs.

    So, that’s my update for now. I may not post often but I read these posts and they encourage me, help me, and guide me. I appreciate you all listening!!


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