Mother with intrahepatic bile duct cancer

Discussion Board Forums Introductions! Mother with intrahepatic bile duct cancer

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    I’m sorry to hear that your mother’s CC has returned . I also had intrahepatic CC (5 c.m in left lobe) and had surgery (Feb 2014….removed left lobe). I’m still going through scans, watching for recurrence. So far, so good…..have another set of scans this week and I’m very nervous.

    I’m curiious as to the following (if you are willing to share):
    1. What stage was your mother given after surgery?
    2. Was there any lymph node involvement?
    3. Were they able to get decent sized, clean margins in surgery?
    4. Was there any neural or vascular invasion?
    5 . What size was the intrahepatic tumor?
    6. Where was your mother’s surgery done?
    7. What symptoms led to the CC being found?

    There are less intrahepatic CC cases than the other two kinds, so I am always interested in talking with other people with the same kind of CC as I have.

    Julie T.


    Welcome, Darius, to our remarkable family but sorry you had to join us. We are a very curious bunch and I am wondering your Mother’s age and where she is being treated. Below is a site you may find helpful and please do keep us informed of Mom’s progress!


    Hi everyone,

    It’s amazing the community that you all have put together. Bringing research as well as information on clinical trials and most importantly support for one-another all in one place.

    I found this forum through many searches and after making a post Gavin asked me to introduce myself :)

    My name is Darius and my mother is suffering from intrahepatic bile duct cancer. She was diagnosed at the beginning of Sept 2014 and had a partial liver resection during that same time. Right after the surgery she had six cycles of chemo (Gem + Cis) and radiation. Her CT before last in Feburary showed up clean but when she had scan a at the end of June, the liver was clean but there were new omental soft tissue mass, peritoneal nodules, and ascites from a tumor.

    We’re working to find options for treatment now.

    Thanks all.

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