Moving ahead…

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    Dear Mary & Tom, so sorry to hear what you both are going through but like you say, new things are popping up all the time and we are thankful that we can be part of that experience. You have a great attitude and along with your strength you both will get through this together. Good luck on everything and I know you will keep us posted.


    I guess we are moving ahead with liver transplant option at Pittsburgh. Tom is in hospital with massive infection from ercp procedure last Fri. I had to take him to ER on Sun and he was sicker than I have ever seen him. Blood cultures were even positive and he had to have platelets yesterday which he has never had to have. Liver enzymes were out of this world. Very scary stuff. Anyway, his Dr. says his liver is just beat up and scarred and eventually going to give out. This whole episode was a wake-up call. He can’t continue to have ercps, stents etc without it causing damage. We are so lucky that he has this option. He hasn’t come around to this way of thinking yet but it’s true. He is cancer free since Nov. ’06 and now is being given the option of transplant. (Of course I may be giving him half of my liver!! That’s my plan if possible.) They say he just has to” get rid” of prostate cancer first. That doesn’t seem to bother them too much since it is such a slow growing cancer. Once he is better he will probably have seeding done. What’s a little more radiation?!! He already glows in the dark.
    One note of inspiration-three and a 1/2 years ago transplant was not even talked about. Things have changed a lot in three years as far as cc treatments and will continue to get better all of the time. You just have to be strong, do your best to stay healthy and hang in there. Easier said than done I know, but there is always hope!! Best wishes to all. Mary

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