Mr. Jim Wilde

Discussion Board Forums In Remembrance Mr. Jim Wilde

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    Thanks Tiffany for starting the link. Jim and I were both very lucky to be treated by the two best doctors. We both posted names and numbers of our miracle workers and then last summer her called because he wanted help for not himself but his “very dear friend” and we all know that was Kim, he was looking for another great doctor for her. Jim always gave me the impression he would walk to the end of the world for a CC fighter. This winter when we both had lung spot surgery he was more concerened about mine, then his own and he didn’t have the best news.
    I have been blessed to have known Jim and can only imagine how lucky his family is to call him” DAD” and “Honey”.
    Lots of prayers for Janis and there children, thanks of sharing him.


    Its with a heavy heart that I post this.
    Our good friend and HUGE CC supporter Jim passed away today.

    Jim was the first person from here to reach out to me and offer HOPE! Jim and I had been talking on the phone for months, he was always so uplifting, and cheerful. He will be missed. Please remember his sweet wife Janis, and his children.
    I talked to Jim’s wife, and she gave me the OK to post this. I’m going to send her the link here. So please post your memories of Jim and how he supported you and gave you HOPE!

    Jim- I will miss you Buddy. I fight MY fight for you now. <3

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