MRI results

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    We were told chemo and radiation are useless against cholangio. Carl had a radio ablation done first, back in Feb ’10, and it didn’t kill the tumor, so his Dr then went for the re-section, in Aug ’10. His left lobe was removed, with clear margins, and so far, this first MRI looks good. My husband is still skeptical, and has asked for a copy of the MRI report to look over himself. His Dr did tell him it can reappear, in any of the many bile ducts, through out the liver :( so we will continue to hope it wont.

    nur1954: sorry to hear of the loss of your son, I hope time will ease the pain for you and your family.


    That is great news! You know, if Carl keeps stringing these good three month reports together, pretty soon you are at a year and then two years…
    You certainly have cause for a Merry Christmas.

    Is there a plan for any chemo? Just wondering.

    Praying for Carl.



    What wonderful news. Let us keep praying and keep getting these good results. So happy for you.


    D517, that is about as good as it gets! Great news. Also seems to be the most popular way to keep tabs on it. Sounds like your doc is right on. Have a hHappy Holiday and yes, each day is a gift!


    What wonderful news for you….may he continue to get great check ups….we need good results on this forum!


    My husband Carl had a liver re-section in Aug 2010, to remove a Colangiocarcinoma tumor. Since then he has been recovering. Last Tues, we went back to VCU, where the surgery was done, and he had his first followup MRI. We were both astonished at the news, when the Dr looked at the MRI results, and told us there was no new evidence of any of the cancer returning. Although we were happy, the Dr told us it can reappear at any time, so Carl will continue to have ultrasounds every 3 months and scheduled MRI’s. All we have is hope, and everyday is a gift. My wish this season, is that a cure can be found for Cholangiocarcinoma, for all of those still suffering, from its effects.

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