MRI Results

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  • #97291

    Hi Brigitte,

    I am sorry you are experiencing back pain, not to mention having to go through more scans and wait for results.  I hope the results are good ones.  If the pain is affecting your daily activities, are the doctors helping with that?

    It is good you are following up.  With this cancer, we have to pay attention to what is going on with our bodies and consult our doctors when anything seems amiss.

    Take care, all the best, Mary



    I admire your positive attitude.  Sending positive thoughts for a clean scan.



    I recently had an MRI for my spine as my back was really hurting chronically. I know that I have Osteoarthritis and joint degeneration due to old age, I am now 70.  However, the MRI also showed some abnormal signal intensity in the vertebral bodies. The radiologist is not sure what it is but with me having CC they want to do a bone scan.  It could be hemangioma or worst scenario multiple Myeloma.  I hope not but not going to anticipate for now. My bone scan is next Friday.

    To be honest, yes I am a bit worried.

    • This topic was modified 5 years, 12 months ago by bgmat48.
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