mum has passed

Discussion Board Forums Grief Management mum has passed

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  • #27798

    Dear Marc,

    I too am so sorry to hear of your Mum’s passing. Atleast she is now at peace and no longer suffering from this horrible disease. I know how hard this is for you, but remember that she will always be with you in your heart & memories. You & your family are in my thoughts & prayers and as Joyce said, know that we are all here for you in the days ahead.



    Dear Marc,
    My heartfelt sympathy on losing your precious Mum. We’re all here for you, and you can lean on us if you need to vent in the heartbreaking days ahead. As you said, at least your mum is at peace. I hope you can find some of that peace for yourself.
    Joyce M


    Marc I was just thinking about you a few minutes ago.Iknew from your last post that it was close.Im sorry about your mum and I know you have been grieving already for a while.
    take care Marc


    just letting you all know mum passed away this morning at 645 am australian eastern time on the 29 / 03 / 09 :(

    she is a peace now

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