Mums story…

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    Dear Andrea,
    I am so sorry for your loss, and I know how horrible you feel, as I lost my mother a little over 6 months ago (she was also 64), and I still cry over her every day. Less than 2 months after diagnosis, she was dead. And she always had regular blood tests every 3 months because she had autoimmune hepatitis, and they STILL didn’t detect it until the very end. This cruel cancer takes some of the best people in the world and it gives you no warning. It’s horrible to watch your loved one deteriorate before your eyes and feel so helpless to do anything to alleviate their suffering. I know you and your family are devastated right now, and I hope that you can find some relief in knowing how lucky you were to have such a wonderful mother. I know it’s not enough — I often think that the only thing that would make me happy is if I could just bring my mother back — but we have to keep going and keep their memories alive, as someone else just said.

    Please feel free to use this board to vent any of the feelings and thoughts you have, as I have often done — it helps to have contact with other people who know exactly what you’re going through – it makes you feel less alone at a very lonely time in your life.

    My heartfelt sympathy, and hope for better days. Those on this board who are fighting the disease are an inspiration because they may be able to prevent other beautiful human beings from succumbing to this horrible cancer.


    I am so sorry for your loss! Take good care of yourself and your dad now. Do what you can to keep her memory alive for yourself, your sister, and the grandchildren.



    Ive posted on a few different threads, I lost my mum 4 weeks ago, heres her story

    My mum was a 64 yr old woman, never smoked or drank and lead a fit and healthy life, she was hiking at Easter this year, but within a few weeks she started with severe indigestion, sickness and sleeping problems, and was prescribed ant -acids by her GP, it was only when she became jaundiced that the Dr sent her into a NHS hospital for tests. At first we were told it was gal stones and one of them had moved into the bile duct causing a blockage, but not to worry, it could easily be removed and she would be fine.

    My father had her moved to a private hospital, it was then they became concerned with the ultra sound scan results taken by the previous hospital, and they decided to carry out an MRI scan and CT scan only to find a tumor in the bile duct, her liver was spotted and we were told there was nothing more they could do., apart from inserting a stent to drain the jaundice.

    For the next 6 weeks I watched my mother die but she remained positive throughout the whole time, the cancer spread to her stomach and colon with such speed she was unable to eat and was violently sick most of the time. She lost so much weight and became weak.

    On 16th June at 12.25 am my mum passed away, dad was with her. It has completely shattered our family, Cholangiocarcinoma is a cruel cancer, the consultant thought it had probably been there for the past 3 years undetected, it was only because it got to the point where the duct became blocked that her symptoms appeared, by that time it was too late. My mum was one of the kindest most caring ladies I have ever had the privilege to know and I

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