My 19yr old son has Cholangiocarcinoma

Discussion Board Forums Introductions! My 19yr old son has Cholangiocarcinoma

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    Thank you all for the support. I shall look for the grapeseed extract (I am in New Zealand) and Marions Thank you, I shall have to learn to navigate this site to find it.

    In the meantime I thought Iwould post this link on Zeolite, I am sure there has been discussion on it here but if not, I want to let people know about the claims being made for this. It is not expensive and to me, it is worth a try. Also on the top of the page there is a button called printer friendly version, if you click that, it brings up a lot more information, some of which I have been using.

    Here is the link

    Thanks all so much for your support.



    you might want to also read the Coburn blog where Joe is being treated with IPT.


    Dear Mike,
    So sorry to hear about your son, you must be devastated. I have been giving my husband Grapeseed extract – it is a very strong antioxidant – it is important to get a good quality one with a high OPC (Oligomeric Proanthocyanidin) content – if you are in the US Meganatural Gold from Polyphenolics is a very good one. You can give it a try
    Wishing you all the best.


    Dear Mike,
    You sound like you’re really on top of things – the diet and supplements may be just the right thing to help combat this thing. And your son’s age is defnitely in his favor – I wish you and your family all the best – let us know how everything goes. What a horrible thing to have to go through at any age, but it’s very uncommon for it to happen to someone so young. There’s another member here, Alan’s Mom, who had a 24 year old son die of cc – she’s in the UK.

    Lots of luck and love going your way,


    Hi Kris.. thank you. What are you doing to combat it? Ashley at 19 is in the prime of his life and if he cannot beat it no one can. We know there is no way to kill this cancer so we are simply altering the chemistry of his body so the cancer doesnt want to be there.

    There is also Vitamin B17 thrown in as well.



    I am not sure what to say. I thought I was young being diagnosed at 32 but your son leaves me speachless. Needless to say, your family will be in my prayers.



    Hello All,
    My name is Mike and 2 months ago my son was diagnosed with Cholangiocarcinoma.
    He has many many tumours in his liver
    He has been offered no treatment at all
    It is inoperable
    He has been offered chemo which will extend his life by 6 months
    He has been given between 5 and 10 months
    He refused the Chemo.

    SO we have started several protocols.
    High urea diet with vitamin c and baking soda to make the body alkaline
    Coffee enemas
    High doses of natural supplements
    No meat, dairy or citrus fruit
    Cabbage juice
    He is also taking liquid Zeolite ( if only 1% of the claims are true it’s still a great product)
    And has also been to a good traditional Chinese herbalist who among other things is giving him Artimesinan.
    Then there is also Xango juice and Noni juice he is having both as well as high doses of Omega3 (Fish and flax seed)
    He is 19 yrs old and the Mayo clinic have records of only 13 people under 25 years old in the past 25 years and none as young as Ashley, so the research into this cancer at this age will be practically ZERO, so it is important to share everything.

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