My 88 year old fighter

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    Frances, I have heard from many people that it is possible to control the pain. There are exceptions, of course, but for the most part your mom like Teddy are older (T is 78) and I am thinking it would be wonderful for them to just go to sleep. And some of our CC patients have done just that. We never expected T to make Thanksgiving let alone November. He is some stubborn Sicilian! My daughter and I have vowed that no matter what shape he is in we ARE having Thanksgiving here with our 3 friends (family) from Milwaukee who will be celebrating their 15th Thanksgiving with us. Teddy is very excited to see them and that is his goal for now. Set a goal, share lots of memories now and just see that mom is comfortable and the love will flow.


    Thanks Lainy, Can always rely on you to reply. Thanks for that, you have confirmed what I already thought as I don’t think she could even stand the trip to the hospital. I know that pain or the lack of it is the main thing…..but is that possible to the end ??
    I hope Teddy’s new bed is still being a help to you both. Not sure but Thanks giving is only a couple of weeks away for you. I hope you all have a great day. Bless you and Teddy, and treasure the time you have.


    Hello Frances. I have to be brutally honest here and say that at 88 yrs old (my mom is 94 so I understand) I would not put her through anything! My siblings and I decided to let Mom have peace and dignity and we have opted to do nothing should anything arise. We had made that decision when she was in her late 80’s. And my mom is in good health for 94 except for dementia now. Good luck on what ever decision you make and hope your Mom continues to be pain free.


    Can anyone help with this one. Since my last post on the 3rd Nov when Mom decided she wanted a visit to the beach, she has gone down fast. Nurse came in yesterday (as she has every week for about 8 weeks) she asked the Doctor to come in today. Doctor has decided to have blood tests taken Tuesday so that she has an up to date picture and is talking about maybe blood transfusion. Mom has had no surgery or stents etc. as things had just gone too far and of course her age. How long could Mom benifit from the transfusion, and do they keep doing this. She is loosing weight almost daily and finding it hard to walk to the toilet even which is about 10 steps from the bed. She is sleeping more sometimes up to 10 hours a day. She is only on 10mg patch or morphine and is in no pain, for that of course I am very grateful. But the overwhelming fatigue and generally feeling ill is the main problem hence the possible transfusion.

    Thanks guys.


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