My beautiful mom passed yesterday

Discussion Board Forums In Remembrance My beautiful mom passed yesterday

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    Thank you Nancy, I admire the love you have for Doug, you are a wonderful person.


    Dear Anne, I feel your pain. Somehow we make it through these times with love and memories and with putting one foot in front of the other. It is a journey, a tough one, but you will feel her love every step of the way. Take care and keep in touch. Love to you and your family. Nancy


    Thank you for sharing your experience Pam, mothers and daughters have a very special bond. Mom and I were so close, our bond is forever strong…



    I lost my Mom to this monster April 3, 2009. So far the grief has not gone away but I find the good memories gradually replacing the bad ones.

    I miss her so much and can still be reduced to tears in a store by passing someone wearing her perfume.

    I buried my Mom with her favorite lipstick, a Cholangiocarcinoma bracelet and a seashell I picked up on the beach during a particularly bad day dealing with anticipatory grief. I had written her name in the sand and found I couldn’t walk away. As I stood there a wave kissed the beach, washing away her name and a small white shell was left there. I felt as if God had given me a sign and a message that he would be there when I needed him and that I would manage to get through the coming days.

    I would give anything to hear her voice again and have her here to listen to my problems and worries and get her advice.

    I firmly believe grieving is the hardest job we ever have. There is no timetable for grief and no two people will ever grieve in the same way. Be gentle with yourself and take your time. You are an amazing legacy your Mom leaves behind.

    We are always here for you and will walk with you on the next part of this journey…

    Sending hugs and prayers….


    Thank you Randi.


    I am very appreciative of you sharing your experience with me. I never thought I was going to have to deal with losing mom at such a young age, I turned 34 in July.

    I take it one day at a time. A couple of days before she passed, I cried a lot and was worried that I will never be okay. Days after I had lot to take care of including funeral/burial arrangements, when my day is occupied then I do “okay”. It’s the nights that are the worst, when it’s all quiet and I’m in bed tears just come out.

    I started going through mom’s closet and found this little doll thing I made for her when I was about 13/14. Mom always brought that doll with her where ever she went, she said it brought her comfort and luck. The day she passed, I looked every where but could not find the doll, that was very upsetting. As I was going though one of mom’s purses today, it was right there in the zipped compartment. The doll will be buried with mom to keep her company.


    Dear Anne,

    I’m so sorry to read your post. I lost my mum on New Year’s Eve, she was 59. I also spent the last two weeks telling her how much I love her and I hope she managed to conquer fear before she left. I was also so close to her and being single and not too close to the other members of my family I feel all alone – although I’m blessed with great friends.

    I know there are no words to make you feel better but the most comforting thing I’ve heard is that it never actually gets any better, the pain might even get worse at points, but you do learn to live with it and you just have to accept it as part of your life.

    Nine months after mum’s death, the numbing pain is almost gone and as I miss her more and more each day there are moments when the pain is so acute, it hurts. But at the same time I enjoy my friends’ company, I laugh and party and work, refusing to let grief take over my life.

    Think of how happy and proud your mum would be to see you being strong and enjoying life.

    My warmest hugs,



    So sorry to hear of your Mother’s passing. I hope that soon the sad feelings of today will be replaced with your happy memories.



    Thank you everyone who have been so supportive through this difficult time. Mom and I were so close, I miss her so much.


    Dear Anne,

    I am so very sorry indeed to hear of the passing of your dear mum. Please accept my sincere condolences. I know how hard this is for you right now as I lost my dad to this cancer. Please know that my thoughts are with you and your family right now.




    I am so sorry for your painful loss. Cherish your beautiful memories. I will pray for peace and comfort for you and your family.



    I am very sorry that your Mom has passed. She was very young. I know you loved her and did your best to help her. My Mom passed in February. We feel your pain. My heart goes out to you.


    Anne-I am so sorry about your loss, my heart and prayers are with you.
    Lots of prayers-Cathy


    Dear Anne,

    I am so sorry to hear of your Mom’s passing. I hope the pain you are feeling today is replaced by fond memories of times you spent together. My heartfelt condolences to you and your family.

    Love, -Pam


    Dear Anne,

    I am so sorry for your loss. My husband was also 62 when he passed and that is way too young. There are no words to ease your pain right now. It sounds like she passed peacefully, was not in pain, with you by her side. None of this is easy, but try to take some comfort in knowing that your mom is in a better place, no longer suffering or in pain. I have to remind myself of that all the time. You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers.

    Love & Hugs,


    Dear Anne, I’m so, so sorry. Thinking of you.

    Julia x

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