My brother is so very sick

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    Watching a loved one suffer, and hearing the Doctors prognosis, is heart-wrenching. I just went through this with my mom. I will pray for you to be strong, and for your brother to have peace. I will pray, just know that you are not alone. God is always there- Blessings Elicia


    My very best wishes to you & your brother, Sandy. I feel the same about the speed of this wretched thing – how can so much happen so fast?

    Thank you for your comment, Jamie; I hope it brings comfort to Sandy as it has to me & I send all the best to you for your treatment, too.




    I’m so very sorry for your devastating news yesterday. Thinking of you and your brother at this difficult time,




    I can hear in your post the same thing I have heard in many other posts–what is this thing we are up against and where did it come from? It is impossible to wrap your head around this cancer, there is so much to learn and decide, it is completely overwhelming. It is not a good place to be but you are not alone.

    I reread your initial post and I know your brother has other health problems and the double whammy of esophageal (sp?) cancer and cc is daunting. It is my understanding there are treatments that meet with some success for esophageal cancer so I think they should have at least discussed that with him.

    What is his current condition? Can he keep food and drink down? Is he mobile? How weak is he? How much time does he spend in bed? How far is Mayo?



    I am so sorry that you and your brother are having to deal with this. When I was diagnosed I had multiple lymph node involvement including mutliple nodes around my heart. I was given the option of chemo, although I was told that only 30% will get any response. Next month will be 2 years since my diagnosis. It’s your brothers choice but I think that he needs to know that sometimes it does help. If there is anything I can do please just ask. I am being treated at the Mayo in Minnesota. Please feel free to email me directly if you’d like. Take care and God Bless,


    My heart aches for you. It is so hard to watch loved ones suffer. I pray that God grant you and your brother the peace that passes understanding.


    Well our trip to the oncologist was a waste of time in my opinion. My poor brother had to sit there for 1 hour just to get in to see him. The Pet scan that was done that same morning was, of course, not ready yet for the dr. to view. The doctor told us the news that I was dreading…there is nothing more they can do for my brother. The cancer has spread to his lymph nodes (don’t know which cancer has spread…since he has 2 totally different types – CC plus esophageal cancer). Dr. said he is definately not a candidate for surgery and that chemo was probably out of the question as well. When I asked about some of the other less traditional treatments his answer: Well, then you still have the esophageal cancer to deal with. We asked about going to the Mayo Clinic, he didn’t think it was a good idea to drive that far with my brother being so sick, but of course he said that is your choice. We told my brother it is his choice alone, and he said he would think about it.
    I’m afraid my brother is giving up. But that is his choice as well – who would want to live in pain as he is? I still keep hoping that I will wake up from this nightmare! How did all of this happen within 2 short weeks??
    How can this be?
    Sorry to sound so down…I know that so many of you have options that are working! Good luck to all of you and you are in our prayers.
    Keep fighting the good fight!
    Healing thoughts,

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