My Chemo Journey . . .

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    Dear Shari, all I can say is YIPPEE! Ya know, people who stay away due to the not so good news miss the great reports like yours! You are a Miracle, a survivor and a new house owner! You just keep on enjoying! Good to see you again!


    Hello everybody,
    I really have been MIA the past few weeks. I cannot believe how things have gotten back to normal since finishing up chemo. I have to say that my energy is back to 100 percent. My labwork looks great. I just had a CT scan this week and things are unchanged from the last one. I have been spending my time getting back to a normal, chemo free, life.
    We are all moved into our house and settled. Now comes the fun part of home ownership, landscaping and all of the fun stuff that goes with it. It really is nice to be in a place of our own. We were able to get the camper out to the lake for the first time and it was a wonderful time spent with family.
    I want to thank everybody here for there support and encouraging words. It helped me get through all of the hard times. I wil try to check in more often now that we are moved and things are starting to slow down


    Hi Shari,

    Thank you so much for sharing this with us all! You certainly do have the greatest family and what good support they have given you! I am glad that you have had your last session today and yes, I will keep my fingers crossed for you! Try not to focus too much on the upcoming scan and think more about the upcoming summer, it certainly sounds like you have a lot to look forward to this summer!!

    Best wishes,



    I had the most wonderful surprise at chemo today. My mom, 2 sisters, sister-in-law and brother came and visited me at chemo today. It was kinda weird to have people with me today. I am so used to flying solo at chemo, and with having chemo over the winter months in ND it really wasn’t the best time to be on the roads. And as with my family they came in style, toting balloons, a gift basket, and an awesome sweatshirt with the coolest logo on the back. I am the luckiest person alive to have the greatest family and awesome support system. Just had to share :)


    Shari, Shari, Shari you are fantastic!!! Wishing you all the best and may your move in to the new house bring you much good health and happiness!


    I am all smiles today. I am getting my last treatment, keep your fingers crossed, forever! I have to say that I have been feeling good with chemo. I have the usual fatigue and a little bit of nausea, but for the most part I have been feeling not too much different. My biggest complaint is the weight gain. I know for most people its a normal part of chemo, but I still enjoy complaining about it. I think I had an easier time handling the cancer diagnosis, surgery and chemo. But the weight gain just plain pisses me off. Oh well accept the things I cannot change I guess. I am looking forward to regaining my strength and stamina and starting to exercise again.
    Thank you to everyone for all of the words of encouragement and wisdom. I am supposed to have a scan in June and I am trying not to think too much about it yet. I am looking forward to summer and moving into our new house. My summer will be busy with settling into the house and starting on the yard. Oh and turning 30. It will be a fun and hopefully productive summer.


    Shari, congratulations on your last cycle and may your next cycle be a Bicycle!
    Also congratulations on the new house. A new house and new beginnings!!!


    Shari….a new house? How exciting is that? Before you know your energy will be back just in time for the move.
    Good luck on becoming the energized, new, you.
    All my best wishes,


    Hello all,

    So I am getting Day 1 of cycle 8, my last cycle. I have been feeling a bit more fatigued as chemo wears on, but now that I am almost done I’m sure that will be getting better. I will be done just in time to move into our new house. We close on May 27th! This is our first house. After the year we have had it is nice to be able to look forward to something. Other that things seem to be status quo. I am ready to celebrate.



    Hi Sharimay,

    Thank you for your status report, and what a good report it was too!! Hopefully your last cycle will fly by then onto the summer and the better weather! I am sure that you will enjoy it.

    Best wishes,



    Shari….great news. You did it. I would assume for the steroids to have added to your appetite and you might find that within a few weeks things will be back to normal.
    Enjoy, enjoy, enjoy.
    All my best wishes,


    Good, good, good, Shari. And after your last session you should have an enjoyable summer! You have sailed through this beautifully and are an inspiration to those who follow you. You go girl!


    Hello all,
    I am proud to say that I am finishing up cycle 7 today. My labwork has been looking good and I have been feeling good. I have 1 cycle left and cannot wait to be finished and for my body to recover from the beating it has took over the past 6 months. I am looking forward to getting back to the gym and hopefully I can lose the weight I have gained with chemo. I have also used chemo as an excuse to pretty much eat whatever I wanted, so I probably need to get back into eating a bit healthier. I think spring has finally sprung here for us so short and tanktop weather is in the near future, so I better get on the ball and get back into shape. Till next status report . . . . . Shari


    Thanks for all the updates Shari, glad things are getting back to “normal” for you. Hang in there – your almost done!!!



    Great news, Shari. Enjoy your normal life.
    All my best wishes,

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