My Chemo Journey . . .

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    Lainy – I am 29 and don’t have any scans to compare them. I won’t sweat it until I know if there is something to worry about. If I can’t control it, its in Gods hands, and he will take care of it and me.
    Marions – we got a teaser of a few days of 40 degree weather, but its gonna cool down to the teans in a few days. I will take it, it warms the heart and gives us some hope of spring and summer.


    Shari….Great to hear that your spunk has returned. Good luck on the upcoming PET scan and what about the weather? Is it warming up a bit?
    All my best wishes,


    Hi Shari and enjoy your Sex and the City. About the lung nodules, not sure of your age but sometimes as we get older we do get this infamous nodules and I hope that is what it is. I have had them for about 20 years now and I have friends who have the same. Not saying they shouldn’t be checked out, just saying don’t get upset. We have enough to get upset about as it is. You are doing so fine. When is the Scan? I just had one and I know how it is to hold your breath until the results. Keep up your great work!


    OK – so I got the results of my CT scan today and I have mixed feelings about the results. My liver looks good, just post surgical changes. I have some fluid at the base of my right lung that is still there from when I had a large pleural effusion drained after surgery. I have a few “nodules” that showed up in my lung. They don’t know for sure if they are anything as they are very tiny. They scheduled me for a PET scan as I have never had one. The nodules are so tiny that they don’t even know if they will show up on the PET scan, but thought that it would be a good idea to have a base PET scan done. I am torn on how to feel about these new findings. I was sick when I had the CT done, so they don’t know if maybe that affected my scan. With my CA19-9 being 9 and feeling good I am not too worried about the findings. I am not going to worry about it until the spots are big and there is something to be worried about. On a good note my hemoglobin is 11.3 :) and I am feeling much more spunky and back to my old self again. I can actually walk and not get tired or SOB. I am at chemo now and am going to be starting my 5th cycle. I am going to go now and watch Sex in the City 2 as I have finished watching the entire series from start to finish. At least I am getting caught up with my chick flicks :) Till next time . . Shari


    Ahhhh……retail therapy with a sister…….the greatest words EVER!


    Hi all – winter here seems like it has been going on forever. We have had a few nice days as of late and a little sunshine. I am feeling back to my old self this week and have gotten over this cold quickly. I did a little retail therapy with my sister this weekend and that always makes me feel better, chemo or not. Thanks for all of your kind words and well wishes. I will update with the results of my CT scan. I have an appointment tomorrow with the start of my 5th cycle of chemo.


    Shari – You’re incredible….keep it up and I wish you sunshine soon! It’s been a long, long winter, hasn’t it????


    Shari, you sound like the most beautifull and strong woman and I am sure your attitude has been so helpful in your Chemo regime. Whatever, however, keep it going as you are a great inspiration to others!


    Shari…….Chemotherapy is accumulative thereby causing you to be a bit more tired as time goes on. But, you seem to be doing fine otherwise. What great news that is! Spring and the end of chemo; I am wishing for both to come around real soon.
    All my best wishes,


    Hi Shari,

    Thank you so much for sharing your chemo journey here with us all. I know that your experiences here will be of great interest to many of our members. That is great about your CA-19 and I will be keeping my fingers crossed for a positive result to your CT scan. Thanks again for sharing this and I too hope that Spring gets a move on and hurries up in showing it’s face!

    Best wishes,



    Hello all,
    I am finishing my week off of chemo, having completed my fourth cycle of Gemzar/Cisplatin. I am now halfway through my chemo and very excited to be on the this half of the count down. I have had a few bumps along the road, but all in all it has been an okay journey thus far. I had my CA 19-9 rechecked and it is 9! That is well below the normal range. I also had my first repeat CT scan since starting chemo. I don’t know the results of it yet, but am confident that it all looks good as my cancer markers are negative.
    I am getting neulasta to help boost my white counts after chemo and that has been working great. It has allowed me to continue with chemo with no postponements. My hemoglobin has been gradually dropping and last week it got down to 8.6. I was becoming very short of breath and getting chest pain with exertion. So on Tuesday I got 2 units of blood. I have been feeling much better after the transfusion, but of course the day after the transfusion I got a cold and spent 2 days home from work getting better.
    It has been getting a little harder the further I get into chemo, but my husband has been great at helping me with cooking and cleaning. I am starting to feel a little cooped up. I don’t leave the house much except for work and the grocery store. I haven’t been home to visit my family much. They all understand, but it is hard not to see them and help my mom take care of my dad. It also has been bitterly cold here and winter is dragging on. I cannot wait for spring to come and get some nice days. I think that the cold weather is making me a little more stir crazy, but it is does make me feel better to know that an end to the cold weather and chemo will come soon.
    Thanks for your time and listening,

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