My dad

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    Hi Amanda,

    I’d too like to welcome you to our cc family. I came here last April after my Dad was diagnosed, and like Gavin said it was the best thing I ever did too.

    My Dad had a metal stent and was deemed inoperable, chemo was an option but his bile level never reached a safe level for it to be given. My advice would be to have second and even third opinions just so you know you have ticked every box. Please share any worries or questions with us, as it really does help to hear from people who really do know what you are going through.

    My thoughts are with you and your family

    Best wishes



    Amanda….we are looking forward to your Mom’s presence on this board.
    All my best wishes,


    Wow, you are right, Lainy and others: This is a warm, welcoming group. Thanks so much. I have tears in my eyes right now; it’s good to connect with you all.
    Yes, we are thinking for now that we will try to make the best of his time.
    His bilirubin went down to 21.5, from 24, in I think less than a week, and we’ll have our next meeting with the oncologist next Wednesday.
    I’ll keep in mind about radiation as well as palliative treatments; the doctor mentioned those things, also, but we’ll discuss them some more.
    Thanks so much. I think I’m going to refer my mom to you, also.
    Wishing you all the very best,


    Dear Amanda…I would like to follow the others in welcoming you to our site. I am sorry to hear of your Dad’s diagnoses and that other health issues may prevent him from obtaining further treatments. I would however, inquire about any palliative treatments available. Although, location of the tumors may present to be a problem, but I would suggest for you to consult with a radiation oncologist also.
    All my best wishes,


    Hi Amanda,

    Welcome to the site. Sorry that you had to find us all and I am sorry also to hear about your dad, but I’m glad that you have joined in with us all as you have come to the right place for support and help, and you will get so much of both here. I came here after my dad was diagnosed with inoperable CC back in 2008, and it was the best thing that I could have done at the time. Everyone helped me so much, and I know that everyone will also help you so much as well.

    My dad also had a stent inserted, a metal one. Do you know if your dad has had a plastic of a metal stent placed? Your dad will start to feel better physically once the stent starts working and his bile starts flowing again. Before my dad had his stent placed, he had the jaunidice a lot and the itching that can come with that and once his stent started working as it should, he started to feel a lot better. But as Lainy says, it can take a bit of time for this to happen and especially so for the signs of jaundice to dissapear, yellowing of the skin, eyes etc.

    I know that your head will be spinning right now, I know that mine was when I was in your shoes. And if you have any questions then please feel free to ask them and we will do what we can to help in answering them. But please know that we are all here for you. We know how you feel right now and what you are going through as well. Please let us know how things go for your dad.

    My best wishes to you and your dad,



    I can feel your pain. My wife and I both lost our Moms this past spring. It wasn’t from CC, but the pain of losing parents is tough whichever way it happens. For sure Lainy is spot on…..let them know you will be OK. I worry much more about my family than I do about myself. Prayers with you.


    Dear Amanda welcome to our wonderful family with the most courageous and caring people from all over the world. I am sorry about your Father but I believe you are all making the correct decisions. By the way the color jaundice takes time to leave, it’s as if the skin had been stained and needs to work it’s way out. To chemo or not is always a huge decision but my husband at 78 was told the chemo would only buy him a month so he opted not to do it. We made the next 4 months our own very precious time and my memories are so fabulous. Use this time to love your Father and to also let him know you are all going to be OK! My prayers and best wishes go out to your family.


    my heart goes out to you. My mom was diagonasied about 6 months ago and the ups and downs of the disease can be overwhelming. i have no great insight into the disease, but offer you my prayers and support



    Hello, everyone.

    My 82-year-old father was diagnosed last week. Two weeks ago, my mom noticed he had turned very yellow, almost orange, overnight; a CAT scan (I think) showed a mass on his liver, and we had to wait an excruciating few days due to Labor Day weekend for the results of a scraping (?) done during the endoscopy (during which stents were inserted), which showed he has cholangiocarcinoma or bile duct cancer.

    He came home with my mom last Thursday and had a PET scan last Friday.

    We met with the oncologist yesterday (Tuesday) morning; there are actually three sizable masses. The doctor says surgery isn’t a viable option for him. He is still quite yellow, and they took blood to again check his bilirubin level, which was 25 on Friday, I think.

    We meet again next Wednesday; if his bilirubin level is low enough, chemo might be an option, but based on many things, it seems unlikely in his case. The prognosis is months, not years, and the doctor says that in his case chemo would extend his life only by a few months at best.

    My father has other issues which don’t help. It’s complicated. But we are preparing ourselves as best we can. Just wanted to check in here. I’m glad there’s this support group.

    Thanks so much.


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