My Dad

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  • #90987

    What a rollercoaster ride you and your family have been on for the past few months. I hope the ride can proceed without too many ups and downs from here on out. What a relief you must feel that it is not the c-word! Best of luck to you……
    I have a special niche for the Irish…my son and his wife and their four little ones live outside of Waterford…too far away for a grandmother..but I do love Ireland…
    Big hugs to you all,


    Irish…..I have a friend with same diagnoses and he is doing well. Wishing the same for your Dad.


    Thanks for letting us know Mac. I hope that all goes well for your Dad with the treatment.

    My best to you and your dad,



    Irish, Thank you for this update and of course you know how much we are wishing for the very best for your Dad. You never know how strong you are until “strong” is the only choice you have!
    When you have a chance here and there please let us know how Dad is doing. Sending prayers, hugs and the best of everything.


    A final update and a good one-

    My Dad got told this week that he has autoimmune pancreatitis.Of course it’s a chronic illness but is very much treatable. Hopefully this closes what has been a very tough three months for our family.

    Thanks to all here & keep up the fantastic work.


    Irish…So sorry to hear of the surgery outcome. It will time some time to digest the information, but don’t leave out investigating options of any kind. Perhaps you can get in touch with the Irish Cancer Society:
    Their website noted pancreatic cancer rate of occurrence as less than 400 patients per year. Being that it is a rather small community, there is a chance that you can interact with other patients and caregivers and survivors of this cancer.
    Hugs to you and your family,


    Lainy thanks for your reply.

    My heart is broken ……

    Yes I have but we live in such a small (wee) countrty that isn’t so easy. You guys have more options that way,

    Right now I feel the science is the science and our efforts are best focused on alternatives.


    Oh, Irish, I am so sorry to read this. My husband had a Whipple back in the day, it did buy him 5 years. We went to visit his Surgeon to say thank you for the 5 years when we were near the end, and the surgeon said, “Salvatore, I never expected you to get a year”. Moral to the story is, DO NOT listen to time frames especially when new treatments and trials are popping up all the time. That is the game, to keep yourself going for that treatment round the corner that may help your Dad. AND far from least, celebrate each day and make more loving memories. Have you thought about another opinion?


    Good evening all.

    An update-

    They attempted Whipple last Tuesday but couldn’t proceed. The pancreatic tumour had invaded the nearby large blood vessels. They did a bile duct bypass instead.

    As we know it we are looking at a Stage 3 or T4 , N? , M0.

    The doctors are talking about 6 -9 months or +3 with chemo.

    Hope is very thin on the ground here.

    Personally I think chemo for pancreatic is like throwing petrol and a match on a person who’s body is already on fire. And maybe even wider than that across other cancers. Am looking at alterntative options.

    Will look at the other boards here.

    HELP I guess.


    Thanks Marion.

    The ramblings above are actually Whipple Procedure!


    IrishMac….open surgery, as the one your Dad will undergo, will provide the physicians with answers not obtainable with presently available diagnostic tools and gives credence to the believe that “nothing beats the surgeon’s eyes.” I have learned that biliary obstruction can occur at any level in any one of the multiple ducts carrying bile. Not all obstructions are cancer related.
    Your questions are valid and perhaps you may want to consider compiling a listing of specifics to discuss with the physician.


    Hey again.

    My Dad saw a gastroenterologist at the Mater Hospital (Belfast) today and got the following info.

    I haven’t spoken to him yet so the info is second hand and I guess I’m a little bit cloudy.

    He got told to park the good news I shared and has to go for surgery (I know that’s a good word) on Feb 23rd.

    They want to temove his bile duct for sure and (potentially) remove part of his stomach & pancreas in a seven hour procedure. And do the work I’ve read of but can’t recall right now to compensate for the removal of the bile duct.

    They said there was a tumour somewhere but they aren’t sure and that there are things they can’t see on scans so they need to go in for a look.

    Cancer of any sort was not confirmed but is a real possibility. They advised 2 weeks recuperation post-op and potentially chemotherapy.

    I have all sorts of questions and lots I don’t understand right now. Most notably why remove his bile duct in total if the biomass was not malignant?

    This consultant saw two other men today & told my Dad whilst it might not feel that way he’s one of the lucky ones.

    My sister made a good point in that they are talking about what they can do not what they can’t do.

    Any advice or input appreciated.


    Thank you all. We are still waiting on the next step. I will be back to update hopefully with good news.


    This is great news Mac, thanks for sharing it with us all. Hope as well that your dad gets more good news about everything and please let us know how things go. Glad to be of help and my fingers are crossed for your dad.

    Best wishes,



    Irish… are welcome. We are here to help. The absolute good news is that this cancer is ruled out and perhaps the problems are directly related to the benign bile duct mass. That’s what I wish for.
    Hugs and congratulations on rising to the occasion by advocating for your Dad in the most possible way.

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