My Dad

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    Hi Katja,

    No Dad hasn’t got no itching yet and even when he had previous bilirubin of 600 he never really itched much, which has really puzzled the doctors.

    We didn’t go to the apointment, which I am glad about. I would have supported my Dad with whatever he chose but I must admit I wasn’t looking forward to the Consultant telling us that Dad only had 3-4 months left again. The first time we were told was by the Macmillan Nurse and Dad just got dress and left the hospital once she’d told us.

    The local District Nurses will see my dad now every Monday, and when the time is right the Macmillan Nurses will start coming too. At the moment Dad doesn’t feel the need for them. He has spent today re grouting the bathroom tiles, though he was a little breathless afterwards. Dad is always breathless after having stent procedures and he only had is external drain put in 2 weeks ago so whilst Mom and iIhave told him not to do too much we understand he feels the need to do something, so we have let him carry on.

    I am so proud of him, he is the most kind hearted man you could ever meet. Everybody loves him. He is and always will be my hero.

    How is your Dad doing? I hope he is still keeping well

    Much love and best wishes


    Sounds like your dad has a fight body and spirit. Does he have any itching? Is he using anti histamines? My dad didn’t have any symptoms when he was jaundiced except the bright yellow colour – he got up to 600 too. I would be so proud of your dad. Did you go to the appointment?

    Lainy puts it so well, you have a close family and your mum will manage, even if you think she’s finding it hard. Keep making those happy memories for your son. I was 5 when my Grandma died of CC, and I do remember happy points during her illness even though we knew Grandma was a ‘funny colour’ – we didn’t care about the colour as children.

    Love and hugs down the country to you!


    Dear Andie, I am so very sorry to hear this about your Dad. When Teddy had his Cyberknife 2 years ago he was still in good shape except for the CC that had returned to his duodenum, they zapped that but it still came back 1 year later.
    We were lucky that the Insurance covered the C.K. I believe that your dad knows what he is doing and probably feels if the doctors say no more options then why use up that money. He is already accepting what is to be and if that is the final decision then everyone should try and be strong and make loving Memories of the valuable time left.
    To me, the hardest part of all of this is the slow decline to our men who had been larger than life itself. I know you don’t feel this now but you will allget through this together and its wonderful that you have such a close and loving family. Wishing you all the best and for all of you to stay strong. Love and hugs over the Pond to you!


    Hi Andie

    My dad fought for 19 months, your dad sounds strong, cause usually the high bili takes away energy and appetite, just remain positive, i have discovered that there simply is no classic CC patient, everyone is different, my dad eventually did not die of the BILE DUCT CA, but a spread to the duodenum. Dad kept the CC at bay for from March 09 to July10, and then only it spread, i believe that besides stenting, his diet, which was lots of raw veggie juices and no red meat, no sugar, and an oxcygen supplement had a lot to do with it. Take heart and never give up….

    I know how hard this is, we are all here for you.We will get through this together.

    Lots of love and a big hug from over the ocean.



    My Dad was told last Monday that there is nothing else they can do for him. As you can imagine the last few weeks have been tough. He is supposed to go to the hospital today to discuss his case etc but he doesn’t want to go. There is nothing else they can do for him so why sit there and be told it again, is his opinion. We have asked for a second opinion from Professor Lodge and also are being referred to cyberknife clinic in London. The Cyberknife is expensive and I doubt if our local PCT will fund it but we as a family have agreed if there is a chance it will work we will try and find the money, but only if there is a chance as my Dad said

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