my dad has CC i have depression

Discussion Board Forums Introductions! my dad has CC i have depression

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    Amir…..the stent will need to be replaced (if plastic) and cleaned out (if metal.) Often times additional stents will be placed. Sludge that builds up in the stents does not necessarily contain tumor cells. The physician should be able to explain this to you. As Lainy has mentioned please keep us informed.


    Dear Amir, I already answered your email so hand in and be strong and please let us know what happens in ER.



    i want some information about stents. my fathers stent has a problem. he had a fever three days ago and around the stent in his stomach the yellow water started to leak. he takes cotrimoxazole and now he is better but leaking still a problem and his face started being yellowish.

    i am so sad. is metal stent better than plastic one?
    is this mean that the tumor growing up?

    please help


    Dear Lainy, i am so happy also my mom and whole my family.

    my dad goes hiking every day and he is so good these days. we are hopeful now and it is also so good to see my dad hopeful and strong.

    now he started to advise me to get married etc. and of course i don’t like it but it feels so good that he returned to his normal life.


    Dear Amir, what wonderful news! I am so glad you shared that with us. And how are you feeling now? We appreciate the update and please do keep us posted on your Dad’s progress.



    thank you all

    finally chemo therapy sessions are done and now after 1 month my dad is fine and also he gains weight.


    Prayers for you and your family, Amir! Our parents are so important to us and no matter how old we or they are, we never stop needing them!




    Hi Amir,

    Great to hear from you again! And that is brilliant news that your dad is doing fine with his chemo sessions and I hope that the last 4 sessions go well for him too. I assume that he will be getting another CT after his chemo is over and I’m with Percy on waiting to see what that shows before thinking about what comes next etc. Hopefully that will reveal some very good news indeed for your dad and please as always let us know how that goes.

    Ditto as well to what the others have said about politics and all of that. Here we are interested in people, all people no matter what. And I hope as well that the fluoxetine works for you too Amir. That takes time to work does it not? You have so much to deal with Amir but please remember that we are all here for you/

    My best wishes to you and your dad,



    Dear Amir, I am so happy to hear your Dad is doing so well and thank you for updating us on your DAD’S progress. Our CC board is one small place in this big World of ours where nothing else matters except for our CC family. We do not look at what Country anyone is from or what religion they are or what politics they believe in. We only see Human Beings. Here is only caring, courage and love for each other no matter what. I often say if our Board ran the World would it not be lovely? Please keep us updated on Dad’s progress. And you take care of yourself!


    Nicely stated, dear Percy. Please keep us posted Amir. You have a million good wishes heading your way.


    Hi, Amir,
    glad to know your dad is fine.
    I will wait until the completion of the chemotherapy and let see what the doctor will decide before getting worry.

    I agree Iranian people, like the American people, are of good nature and friendly; somehow the politics of the world get into the middle of our good human nature and act otherwise.

    I hope one day I can meet you and the beautiful”eyelashes” together in Iran and have a glass of Coke-Cola,singing their famous commercial song of “I like to sing to the world of the perfect harmony….”
    Good luck and
    God bless.


    my dad is fine and being treated by chemotherapy and 4 sessions remain to complete the chemotherapy and i don’t know what should we do next?!


    dear marion…thank you.. i have been seeing a psychiatrist for 10 years and i used so many drugs and now i use flouxtein and perphenazine and cholordiazpoxide and inderal every day but i am not ok yet… it”s killing me that the depression is still with me… unfortunately life events make me feel worse… i’m confused i don’t know what to do to feel better…

    i am so sorry i know i’m nagging a lot…

    thanks danna and PCL


    Amir……the disease of Cholangiocarcinoma crosses all political and geographical borders. We are one people touched by a cancer little understood; we need to work together. The current regimen of gem/cis is the considered standard of treatment hence, your dear father most likely would receive it wherever he is. Who is helping you, dear Amir? Are you seeing a physician for your ailment?


    thank you pcl

    also i want to say that the Iranian are good people and seeking peace we don’t like our government and now it is hard to find medicine because of boycotts

    please do something :(

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