my dad has CC i have depression

Discussion Board Forums Introductions! my dad has CC i have depression

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    As a father myself, of course, I like to see my son get marry and carry the family name on for generations to come. I am an old fashion guy when comes to traditions but I am also try to keep me up to date on the knowledge of finding a better treatment for this disease.
    I am a Christian by faith, sometimes we have to accept whatever God decides ; we can use God given wisdom and guidance to try our best ,to care of our family and make our future brighter even in the mist of disappointment.
    That is why I told Ms.beautiful ” eyelashes” and you ” TO CHANGE THE THINGS YOU CAN AND ACCEPT THE THINGS THAT YOU CANNOT CHANGE”.
    As long as the chemotherapy works and your father can tolerate the chemotherapy,that will be fine. Surgery depends on whether the tumor can be shrunk enough to do the procedure and the current health status of your dad. As long as the chemotherapy works, I do not think you need to get interventional radiology treatment at the SAME time but it will be a very wise choice down the road if chemotherapy stop working. 2nd opinion on interventional radiology is recommended if chemotherapy failed . ( ie:University affiliated hospitals in Iran) In the meantime, be strong , and enjoy the family time with your dad and the whole family. It may not be a bad idea if you can see your family doctor or go to the drug store and ask the local pharmacist to recommend an anti-depressant for you if the pharmacist are allowed to do so. It will help you to be more at ease to deal with the emotional of ups and downs of taking care of your father.
    Again,seek help for yourself and be healthy . I think your father will agree with me on this too.
    God bless.



    So sorry for your situation. I am stage 4 intrahepatic cc and have a 14 month old son that I worry about leaving so I understand the depression. But i also have a lot of faith and none of us are promised tomorrow even if we’re healthy. It is good that he is responding to the treatment. From what I understand if you keep responding well to treatment and take good care of your body so that the chemo doesn’t wear you down then you can live a lot of years with this. Take care and try and stay positive. You and your family are I my prayers.




    i appreciate so much
    thank you all for your support

    dear Marion
    is interventional radiation necessary now? because the CT shows that the chemo works and the Dr. decided to continue chemotherapy for more 6 sessions
    can we use the interventional radiation too?

    Dear Lainy
    thank you :)
    you are right the chemo is working well but Dr said it only can help your father live a little longer.
    is it possible to do a surgery after chemotherapy?

    Dear PCL1029
    i think her name was mozhgan (eyelashes)
    the problem is my father do worry about us and especially me. because he saved money for years to spend for my marriage and now he spent all for his treatments and as he says a lot he really want to see me marry but it is so difficult in this situation as i said my salary is about 400$ to understand how low it is i should say a 50 m^2 house cost more than 70000$ in our country and the worst car that you will never seen is about 5000$.

    Dear Gavin
    yes my dad is having 6 more sessions and you are right it is working well and my dad handled it well but my question is how it is working? is it a treatment that remove tumor or is it just help him live longer?

    again i thank you all and i don’t know how to thank you i am so happy to find here and i have the best wishes for you all.


    Hi Amir,

    Welcome to the site. Sorry that you had to find us all here and I am sorry to hear what both you and your dad are going through right now, but I am happy that you have joined in with us all as you are certainly in the right place for support and help and I so know that you’ll get a load of both from everyone here. I came here when my dad was diagnosed and got so much support from everyone and you will also get the same. And, having been my dads carer during his fight with CC I so know how you are feeling right now.

    You are doing everything that you can to help your dad right now and I know how much that will mean to him. You are a good son Amir. But you must take care of yourself as well. Learn as much as possible as you can about this disease as the better informed you are the better you will be able to help your dad. If you have any questions then ask and we’ll do our best to answer them.

    Is your dad due to have any more chemo sessions? It sounds like the Gem/Cis is working well and I assume that he handled it well? Please keep coming back here Amir and let us know how everything goes for you and your dad. We know what you are going through and we care.

    My best wishes to you and your dad,



    Hi, Amir,
    I am sorry for the situation you are in now; you are a good son for your family and the prince in your father’s eyes.
    A couple years ago, on this web site, I met a young woman(whose name means “eyelashes”) from Iran who came on this message board,like you, and asked for opinions to help her mom who had the same type of cholangiocarcinoma.
    If I remembered correctly in the exchanging of e mails, I told her” To change the things that she can and accept the things that she cannot change”.
    Amir, I am only a patient and one of the moderator on this board.As a patient, I know first hand how your father is feeling right now, both physically and mentally,but as a father of four myself, I am not worrying about my illness as much as the future and happiness of my children; and I am sure your father will be thinking the same about you and your brothers and sisters . Base on your message above, I know you have tried your best in taking care of your father,the same way as a commander taking care of his troops in the battle field, and therefore you should be proud of yourself in caring of your father to such a great extend without any regrets.
    Please take care of yourself ,in doing so, your father will be proud of you knowing that his son will be healthy and fit in the years to come.
    God bless.


    Dear Amir, welcome to our wonderful family but sorry you had to find us. By the way your English is fine! I am so sorry about your Dad. I guess my biggest question is can you get another opinion? IT ALSO SOUNDS LIKE THE CHEMO MAY BE WORKING. I am also suggesting you get in touch with your own Doctor to see if you can get something to help you get through this. CC is the biggest roller coaster ride one can be on and a lot of people need a little help in getting through it even Care Takers and close family. You have come to the right place for support so don’t be afraid to use us. Most important is try to be very strong.


    Amir…. A warm welcome to you. The diagnoses with this disease is known to trigger a wide range of emotions hence, I much understand your feelings well. Amir, no one can predict the true life experience of someone stage IV with this disease. Your Dad has his cancer, it presents at his stage and his response to treatment will be dictated by his body alone. In no way do I want to make light of the situation but, I also want to give you a little bit of hope and help you help yourself.
    Amir, I don’t know how things work in your country but I was wondering whether other treatments such as interventional radiation has been ruled out?
    You will not be lacking emotional support on this site. Collectively you have a tidal wave of love, understanding, caring and commitment heading your way. I am sure for others to be around real soon.
    Please stay in touch. We care and we are in this together.


    my name is amir from Iran. i am not very good at english so please excuse me for mistakes.
    7 months ago my dad diagnosed with CC (klatskin tumor). it was so terrible for us because the dr said that it has no treatment and your father will live maximum of one year. we were not disappointed and found a dr who accept to do a surgery to remove the tumor. we spent a lot of money and unfortunately the surgery was not successful the dr. said it is stage 4 and the tumor can not be removed. so we started chemotherapy and now he had 6 session of injection of Gemzar and cisplatin and he has a drainage and he is better now.
    i had depression for years and now i am in the worst period of my life. the medicines hardly be found here and they are so expensive. i work for an airlines and i earn about 400 dollars a month so we are in a very bad situation.
    the dr said we can only help him live a little longer. is my dad really dying?! :((

    i came here because i really need energy and sympathy. please help me.i smile always in front of my dad and my family and say he is gonna be ok soon. they have no idea that there is no hope. it is very much for me i already have depression :( please help me…

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