My Daddy

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  • #62286

    Dear Kristina, Welcome. Your mention of your dad not eating, sleeping and screaming no at you jumped out at me. As a suggestion, have his ammonia levels checked. When my husbands ammonia levels were high he would sleep more, be confused, not want to eat, etc. Ammonia levels are typically helped with lactulose. Sending positive thoughts and prayers to your dad and your family. Nancy



    Like Lainy said, I dont think you should recommend things for people to take without saying that they should consult with their doctors first. Are you trying to make money off of us here or what? I get a bad feeling that you are not here for the same purposes we are here. We are here to offer support to each other. To say such a thing that chemo doesn’t work on this type of cancer is very hurtful. To some of us, that is all that can be offered. And if it doesn’t work, why have many of us seen shrinkage of tumors on chemo? I find your postings upsetting and wish you would just leave us alone if you don’t want to offer positive support. I, for one will not be reading any more of your posts.



    Do not be dismayed by the above statement about Chemo typically not working for anyone with CC as we have many members who have bought precious time or who have been able to have surgery because of having chemo. While surgery is the best cure for CC we still need the hope that Chemo will do what it is supposed to do.


    Everyone please note that we always say to ask your ONC before starting anything new that may interfere with your treatments.


    I found this information today for everyone suffering with CC or whose family or friends have this disease, I hope this helps some people here. Partial excerpt:

    At Hospital Santa Monica. Pelton’s professional opinion of Haelan: “It is phenomenal.” He says that success of the product was very gratifying and recommends it as a nutritional supplement. PERSONAL SUCCESS STORIES In September, 1995, Sherman Sanders was hospitalized tfter experiencing unexplainable chest pains. During exploratory surgery, doctors discovered stage four cholangiocarcinoma. in his liver and gall bladder. The surgeon did not want to further operate, because there was too much cancer. Cancer had grown around the valve between the liver and gall bladder and pinched off the flow of bile, and for comfort, a drain was placed. Mr. Sanders was not expected to leave the hospital, as the estimated life span after diagnosis is one to three months.

    His oncologist, in a last effort, decided to try chemotherapy treatments. When the cancer was nonresponsive after~ the second treatment, Sanders notes.”They sent me home to die.” Meanwhile, a family friend heard about Sanders’ condition. She introduced Haelan to Sanders at his family home in LaVernia, Texas. He began drinking a bottle a day the first day, and noticed a great reduction in his chemotherapy1induced nausea, which had not abated since he had left the hospital. The same day, he experienced an increase in appetite and energy level.

    He continued to drink a bottle per day, and his blood chemistry improved to such a level that the oncologists decided to resume the chemotherapytreatments. Sanders continued to drink a bottle a day of Haelan in conjunction with chemotherapy. He did not experience any adverse side effects of the chemotherapy. In addition to gaining weight, he found that his hair grew in darker than before. Within six weeks, his doctor reported that the.cancer around the bile duct had shrunk by 50%. With this encouragement, Sanders continued to drink Haelan and take the chemotherapy. In addition to Haelan, he became vegetarian and took venus fly trap, red Clover, CoQ10, liquid oxygen, and pycnogenol, though Sanders attributes his recovery primarily to the Haelan. “I drank a maintenance dose of Haelan for two years.

    I switched doctors when we moved, and my new doctor, Clay Skinner, M.D., did not believe me when I told him that I had liver cancer, because no one is known to ever have survived cholangiocarcinoma. He took a biopsy of my liver and had it compared to the biopsysample from my exploratory surgery, and, sure enough, the test confirmed that it really was my liver. I tried to tell him, but now he believes me!” says Sanders. “I wouldn’t be here without Haelan, lots ofprayers, a changed diet and a positive attitude.” In a phone interview, Dr. Skinner stated he had confirmed the original diagnosis from tissue sample analysis and that Sanders was cancer free on a gross and microscopic level in March, 1998. Skinner said, “It Is striking that someone with cholangiocarcinoma is alive. Chemotherapy typically has no effect oii this type of cancer.


    Kristina…..No one should ever have to encounter this cancer. I am so sorry that it has also touched your live. Like Pam said, stay strong and know that you can count on us. We are in this together.


    Dear Kristina, welcome to our remarkable family but sorry you had to find us. I am also sorry about your Dear Daddy. Keep up your great attitude as it will do much to help you and your Daddy on this terrible journey. You are not alone here and please do keep us posted.


    Dear Kristina,

    I am so sorry your dear Dad and you have to go through this. It is so hard. My daughter is the one who has this terrible cancer. She is probably close to your age. Your Dad is so lucky to have such a wonderful, caring daughter. I am sure even when he is not feeling very well that he feels your love and it is a comfort to him. I will say a prayer for your Daddy. I will pray for a miracle. And I will pray for God to give you and your family strength. Take care and God bless you.

    Love, -Pam


    I am new to this site… My name is kristina and I am not my daddy’s primary caregiver. My daddy’s wonderful and caring wife is. My brother and I come quite often to help. My daddy Albert Farrar was diagnosed May 6th of this year with this monster, he is only 47 years old. He only had two chemo treatments and it all went down hill from there. We are also doing the natrual path diet called budwig diet. He is now on hospice and this is so hard. One day he is talking and alert and eating and drinking. Today he won’t drink,eat, all he is doing is sleeping and screaming no at us. We have no other choice but to pray that god will heal him and bring him back to the old him. My daddy has always been awesome. He has been the best. This is so painful for us, but we will climb this mountain to get to the hills. We love him and most of all god loves him. we believe god will heal him,and god will ease him god is all we have left at this point and our faith is in him that he will do what is his will. We as a family have to stay positive in order to keep him positive. so please pray for us and most of all pray for him. I completely understand everyones grief and pain we are going through it and it sucks. I will pray for all of you that have chlangiocarcinoma, and for those family members that are facing this monster. with loving care. me…

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