My Dad’s journey with CC is over

Discussion Board Forums General Discussion My Dad’s journey with CC is over

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    Jeannie….your loving gesture of chiming in on this board with kind and caring comments are very much appreciated. Your twin has been diagnosed not too long ago and yet your first comments are that of support and gratefulness to Aussie on the loss of her dear Dad.
    If possible, dear Jeannie, would you consider sharing more information with us. Perhaps it would be best to do so in the “Welcome” thread of our site.

    Thanks for considering,



    Ahotti….my most sincere condolences to you and your family. You have given it your all and your Dad benefitted greatly from all your efforts and must have been very proud of you.
    I wish for your heart to heal….one day at a time and for your upcoming new addition to your family to bring joy and happiness to all.



    Please accept my sincerest sympathy over the loss of your beloved father. ( How loved he must have felt in his life and I know that though he is no longer with you … your love for him and his love for you is there forever. You are blessed to have the knowledge that you were with him from the beginning of his diagnosis to the end. I know you feel grateful for that.

    Thank you for sending to all the words of “never give up.” We are just beginning this journey as my twin was diagnosed in March …. this is my first posting. I will share more down the road but for now, I want you to know how sad I am for you and your family – but also grateful that your fathers had such amazing support. And, also celebrating the fact that your new baby will soon arrive, who I am sure will bring such comfort to your and your family.

    You are all in my prayers.


    Thank for all for the kind words. Again this is an amazing place that cancer brought us to and I’ll alway be grateful.


    Dear Anne,

    I am so very sorry to hear the news of your dad’s passing. Please accept my sincere condolences. And yes you most certainly did do everything that you could to help your dad throughout and I know how much that will have meant to him. Having also lost my dad to this cancer as well I so know the pain that you feel right now. Please know that my thoughts are with you and your family right now.




    I am so sorry to read about your Dad’s passing and I so understand how you feel about the whole journey. I believe ‘Grandpa’ has already met his new grandchild and when he is done holding the new baby he will send the miracle on to you.

    Those we love must someday pass beyond our present sight…
    They leave us and the world we know without their radiant light.
    But we know that like a candle their lovely light will shine
    To brighten up another place more perfect…more divine.
    And in the realm of Heaven where they shine so warm and bright,
    Our loved ones live forevermore in God’s eternal light.


    Dear Anne,

    You and your family have my deepest sympathy on the loss of your Dad. Hoping that your pain and sadness will slowly ease and that your new baby will help you to heal. I’m sure that grandpa will be watching over all of you.



    Dear Ahottie,

    I am sorry to hear of your Dad’s passing. For myself and any of those I love, I agree that we hope when it is the end, that it is quick and comfortable.

    My thoughts and prayers are not only for your pain to lessen, but to have a healthy birth for you and the baby. Please come back from time to time and let us know how you are.

    Take care,


    On June 14 my wonderful Dad passed away. He was diagnosed with CC in Nov 2013, he went through 2 rounds (16 treatments) of Gem/Cis and had great success. In March he decided to take a break in preparations of a vacation and the cancer went off like a time bomb in his abdomen. He was admitted on June 1 for pain management & rehyration but steadily declined into a hepatic encephalopathy state which ended in liver failure. He went from fully functioning to gone is 14 short days, I am thankful we didn’t watch him waste away for months in a facility.

    This cancer is mean and I hate it but my time spent poring over online resources has come to an end and I am grateful to carry on with life. My dad passed 1 month before my expected due date of my 2nd child which he’ll never get to meet. I know he’s up there looking over us all and we feel his presence every day. My message for anyone diagnosed with this type of cancer is to never give up regardless of what the prognosis is and to remember to breathe deeply everyday. Allow your loved ones to support you and be involved in your treatment/journey. I find a lot of comfort in knowing we did everything possible care for him and we took each step together.

    We hurt less & less but miss him more & more each day, I don’t suspect we’ll ever stop. Thank you for the amazing resource and support forum.

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