My dear mother passed away on November 29, 2012

Discussion Board Forums In Remembrance My dear mother passed away on November 29, 2012

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    Oh Desiree,

    I am so sorry that time hasn’t made things easier for you. I totally agree with Lainy that talking to someone is probably a good idea if your grief is keeping you from being able to experience any joy in your life. It might be helpful to talk to someone outside of your family and friends and be able to just be who you are and feel what you feel without judgment.

    I lost my mother 13 years ago and I still think of her every day. It’s still with some sadness but also with a smile remembering all of the wonderful things she did, the funny things she said, and the intensity of her love for me. I hope that soon you will be able to do that too, but we all do it in our own time.


    Dear Desiree, No one can tell someone else how long or short to grieve, but I do think that perhaps you may want to look in to some outside help, whether it is to take an RX to take the edge off or to find someone to talk to. It can not harm and you may feel a little better. Your mother seems to have been very caring and wise and I am sure she would love to be looking down and seeing a smile on your face because she is happy and at Peace.


    I am still having such a hard time without my mother. Crying every day and wishing she was with me.



    So sorry for your loss. May you find peace while honoring her memory.


    My mother always made sure I was okay even though she lived in France. I miss hearing her beautiful voice every morning on the phone & always felt better after speaking with her. I was the only child.

    My mother was intelligent, interesting and had a heart of gold. She usually always gave something to a beggar on the street.

    My mother was my best friend, the best mother in the world & my hero. Her soul will be with me forever.

    I love you and miss you so much Mama.

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