My doctor doesn’t think current chemo is working

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    And here I am crying because I´m so tired of chemo and don´t want to go there tomorrow. For my 38th intravenous session. Sometimes it´s just too much. I´m so unsure if it´s doing me any good. I do know it harms me though, it always does.
    I found more ayurvedic herbs that I take, and I sometimes I just want to go with the alternative thing. But I´m not sure.
    Take care!!


    I am nervous for you, too, but I haven’t had chemo since we decided the Xeloda was not doing anything. That was end of May, early June? I have had nothing but the radiation since then. I PRAY the radiation worked since nothing else is happening.
    Good luck with the tests in Oct. I go Sept. 5 for my results.



    I guess your doctor knows best. I am nervous for you too. But I know you had good success with the prior radiation, so I’m sure it will be the same this time. Taking time off will hopefully help you get your strength back. Take care.

    Love, -Pam


    Dear Lisa, I’m not that up on chemo as Teddy had Radiation before Cyber Knife BUT the Radiologist had told us that the Radiation keeps on working for up to 3 months. I believe Chemo does the same but not sure for how long. You just want to be that little Ever ready Rabbit that keeps on tickin! I do know you will get some good answers today.


    We met with the oncologist this week to see what the next game plan is going to be. I finished steriotactic radiation two weeks ago but it is too soon to tell if it worked. Prior to radiation I had three months of Cisplatin and 5FU. He said the chemo regimen didn’t appear to be doing anything to the tumors so he suggested that we stay off chemo until I have a CAT scan on October 5th. I am really nervous about doing nothing to fight this disease till then. He said my body has been though a lot and this would be a good healing time. He said in October if there is new tumor growth then I would probably enter a clinical trial that uses biological agents or try a different chemo combo. Isn’t it strange that as much as we don’t want chemo…we do want it!

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