My Eddie has passed :'(

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    My heart goes out to you and Kayla, the road ahead is not easy and there will be so many moments she will miss him, a little girl needs her dad. I pray for you and your family.



    Mayra: I am so sorry for your loss. Words cannot express..
    Hugs to you and your little daughter.


    Mayra – Along with everyone here, I offer my sincere condolences. My heart aches for you and your little girl. I hope you can find strength and support through this wonderful website. Your little girl will always be the sunshine that gets you through each day. It is trivial for me to say “be strong”, but know that you will be thought of by all of us here and our thoughts will be with you as you go through this difficult time. – Nanccy


    I’m sorry to hear that eddie has passed on. Know that you and Kayla are in our thoughts at this difficult time for you both.



    Mayra, I feel so much for you and your young daughter. This site has many passings but when it is of a young person it seems even harder.
    Your daughter will grow up knowing her dad through you. She will feel him.
    It probably will get harder for you once everyone is gone so make sure you have a support network that allows you to grieve however you need to.
    I wish I could mend your broken heart.


    Sorry for your loss. I pray for you and Kayla, May the LORD give you strenght to continue. I just lost my dad two weeks ago. Buried him in San Benito Texas. He also had CC for 18 months.



    I too am so sorry to hear of your loss. Know that Eddie will always be with you in your heart and memories. He is now free of all the pain and suffering. I too lost my husband to CC and it isn’t an easy road to travel, but you will be OK and we will all be here to help and support you. Try to concentrate on taking care of yourself and Kayla now.

    Love & Hugs,


    Mayra, I am so sorry to hear of your loss. Every time you look at that little girl of yours you will see Eddie reflected in her face and what a wonderful way to remember him. Lainy was able to fill her days after Teddy’s passing so reading her posts again may help. The loneliness is so painful, I know, especially if you were taking care of him at home. Please remember to do things for yourself and your daughter that your husband would want you to do. Love to you both in your new journey.


    Dear Mayra – I am so sorry for your loss. So many on this site have experienced a loss from this cancer and we grieve with you. Ma God bring you comfort during these difficult days. BLessings, Susan


    Mayra I am so very sorry about Eddie. My Teddy is gone just 2 months. Somehow we just get through it all and we push ourselves to go on. Take it one step at a time and be strong for Kayla.

    When someone you love becomes a Memory, the Memory becomes a treasure.


    Mayra-So very sorry for your lost, we will keep you in our prayers. You know your cc family is always here for you. Lots of love and prayers-Cathy


    After a short 18 month battle with this horrible cancer, my soul mate Eddie lost his battle on January 31,2011. He spend the last 12 days of his life with us at home under Hospice care. Our 2 yr. old daughter Kayla asked for him yesterday and it broke my heart. How can I explain to her that her daddy is no longer with us. I’ve been doing ok because we’ve had lots of company. I don’t know how i’ll feel when everyone is gone and our bed is moved back into our bedroom. We had moves a twin bed into our bedroom to make space for his hospital bed. I am so heartbroken and numb. His funeral was yesterday and last night was tough. I kept turning to look for his hospital bed next to me.

    missing him,

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