My father’s bile duct cancer?

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    hisprazr….What an uplifting posting – thanks so much.



    Let me encourage you with the fact that just because something can’t be done today, doesn’t mean it can’t be done tomorrow. The procedure my husband had using alloderm spacer with high levels of radiation to the liver and bile ducts was not being done at this level or with tumors this large until after he had been diagnosed and treated for several months with chemo. They were not sure they could help him because of the size (15/9cm x and location of the tumor (around the portal veins and into both lobes. But, they did here at MDAnderson in Houston. The tumor is dead. We are dealing with bile duct issues trying to get the drains to function properly and currently have an infection. But, that can all be controlled. So, just around the corner may be the answer. Just because they ran out of options at one hospital also doesn’t mean they ran out of all options at other large research hospitals.


    Dear Adam,

    I am very sorry to hear of your fathers passing. Please accept my sincere condolences. Having lost my dad as well to this cancer I know that pain that you feel right now. Please know that we are here for you and my thoughts are with you and your family right now.



    Adam, I am so sorry to hear of your fathers passing. May he rest in peace and may you find strength and comfort in this difficult time.


    Adam….my heart goes out to you. Your words are well spoken in that life has been altered forever with the loss of our loved one. I hope for your heart to heal …one day at a time.


    Dear Adam I am so very sorry about your Father’s Passing and there is no greater accolade than what you give your Father.

    Those we love must someday pass beyond our present sight…
    They leave us and the world we know without their radiant light.
    But we know that like a candle their lovely light will shine
    To brighten up another place more perfect…more divine.
    And in the realm of Heaven where they shine so warm and bright,
    Our loved ones live forevermore in God’s eternal light.


    Dear Adam,

    So sorry to hear that your father has passed away. Try to take some comfort in knowing that he is no longer suffering or in pain. Keep him with you forever in your heart and memories. I totally agree that losing someone to this disease changes you in ways that most can not even imagine.

    Take care and know that we are all here for you and that we truly do care.



    My wonderful Father passed away on March 9th. Truly a beautiful man. Thank you for your support. I , as many of you, will never be the same again.



    Adam. are you still with us on this discussion board? Just been reading the posts and wondering how you are?


    You have been a wonderful son and advocate for your father. This situation/stage is really intense. I was in a similar situation with my father less than a year ago. My feeling is that I didn’t want to subject my father to more procedures to prolong his life when he was already suffering and there was no chance for a full recovery. Each procedure, while treating one problem, can add new problems. My thoughts are with you and your family during this difficult time.


    Hello, I have not been on site in long time. My father had multiple bile duct stents and then in past 2 months two duodenal stents. They are now clogged and we are told they can’t put another one in. A drainage tube/bag for bile had been put in. They offered another “procedure” to eliminate bag with internal external drain. It didn’t work. He has been throwing up bile in hospital and had not slept in a week. They put a ng (nasal gastric?) tube into his nose into his stomach to have the bile sucked out so he wouldn’t throw up. He had pulled it out in sleep last night. they said they can poke a hole in his stomach and add a bag for the food backed up in his stomach. Then they said cardiologist say its high risk due to his age and other conditions. He will no longer get nutrition. we now have decisions to make. He was first diagnosed with bile duct cancer and then later they changed it to pancreatic cancer. He is my best friend and greatest ally in this world. He had chemo and radiation and has been off it a long time due to weakness. He has suvived a long time and is fighting now.

    Doc said nutrition via shots/iv is dangerous
    doc said he can’t handle chemo
    doc said 2nd radiation dose can’t be done.

    In my mind, if he gets radiation tumor may shrink a tiny bit and unblock duodenum which is still parially open. they won’t do it.

    felt obligated to document this on this site for some reason.


    Adam….platelets have a tendency to drop and then rise again. Watch for bruising as this could cause complications. I also wanted to mention that John Hopkins has a great support site for pancreatic cancer patients. You could double your information source and who knows, someone may just have received a similar, conflicting diagnoses as your Dad has been given.
    Either way I am sending all my best wishes your way,


    Hello Adam/Everyone
    I have not been on since i 1st joined… i had no idea how i got to this site the 1st time but here i am again.(wish i wasn’t) any how am sorry to hear of your Dads decreasing health. How is he doing now?

    My grandma is doing pretty well. She still isn’t eating much has lost about 45pounds :( she did 5 weeks of radiation with no side effects (yay!) she is just getting a little dark. She has a scan sometime this month i believe hopefully we will see no change and hey maybe the tumor disappeared (wishful thinking). well i will be back in a couple days. Hope to hear from you all. also just because its easier to understand how to use for me has anyone tired cancercompass .com? There is a bile duct cancer blog there. my user name is luvmamma.


    Hi Adam,

    I have never heard of this before. Have you searched the site here by using the search forum function at the top of the page? If there are any posts on this topic then using the search function here will throw them up.

    Best wishes,



    Low platelet counts are preventing chemo treatment. I heard that sesame oil may help. Has anyone tried this?

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