My father’s journey so far with cc

Discussion Board Forums Introductions! My father’s journey so far with cc

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    That’s great Oscar!!! Just goes to show that one should NEVER give up trying.

    I pray that the surgery is very successful.


    God give strength to everyone affected by this terrible disease.


    YAH for you and your family Oscar!! That’s great. We all really have to push and fight and persevere for our loved ones battling this.




    My father just left UPMC on Wednesday after having surgery. Dr. Gamblin was his surgeon and he was (and is) great. The nurses that cared for my dad could not have been better– very attentive and knowledgable.

    My dad is home after 8 days in the hosipital and will start chemo and radiation in a few weeks. As Iread these boards– I realize that I have alot to learn.

    I will keep your father in my thoughts. If you are going to UPMC and I can answer questions for you– let me know.


    A big hug for you and your famiy during this stressful time.

    celoi- Charlene (Daughter of David Cook)


    That is great news!

    I will pray for your father and wish him a speedy recovery with no complications. Keep us updated.



    I am glad you found someone willing to do the sugery. It seems like all we ever do is fight the cancer, fight the doctors. Good for you for not giving up!Best of luck.

    Oh, and welcome to the board.



    I have been reading the posts on this site for a while now and believe it’s time to contribute if it helps anyone like it has helped our family. Dad was diagnosed with cc in June 07. We went to all the major hospitals in the Washington/Baltimore area with the same result as everyone else on this site. Nothing they can do or any other surgeon can do. We were given the 6 month timetable with no chemo and chemo was not offered. The same exact result at four hospitals. Going with the advice of people posting here we never gave up. Adventually we did find a surgeon willing to operate in Pittsburgh. This changed my Father’s whole outlook and gave him hope. He starting eating and putting on the weight to prepare for surgery. Right now we are waiting for the Doctor to schedule the surgery suppose to know within 2 weeks.

    I would like to tell anyone that is going through this difficult time, DON’T LOSE HOPE!!! You may have to go through alot of Doctor appointments and think you are talking to the best surgeon who ever graced the earth, but in many cases they simply read the text book answer to you and walk away. You don’t need that person’s help because they are not of the caliber to match what you need help with. Don’t be discouraged by this there are people who can help!

    I would like to thank everyone so for there contributions and let you know, we are praying for everyone here and wish the best for everyone.

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