My first visit here – can you help?

Discussion Board Forums General Discussion My first visit here – can you help?

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  • #24158

    Hello and a warm Welcome. Discussions about high Ammonia levels have taken place many times on this board and there seem to be numerous answers for this. The use of stool softeners rather then laxatives had been suggested once however, until others can respond to you it might be helpful to read up on some of the threads by using the


    Welcome, lpaul, I hope we can help you with some of your questions.

    I am not the most knowledgeable person on the board and I have zero knowledge of the different chemo regimens but if it hasn’t gone past his liver, have they considered a liver transplant?

    Or have you looked at clinical trials? Many require no metastasis:



    Welcome! You have entered [CCF Chat] at 10:01 pm
    [CCF Chat]: lpaul has entered at 10:01 pm
    [lpaul] 10:04 pm: This is my first visit to this site. I am the wife & caregiver of
    my husband who has CC. He was diagnosed a year ago (Nov-07) had a
    resection in December of 07 and this past May had a scan that showed
    dozens of tumors in his liver. Nothing has grown past his liver. He has had
    10 Chemo treatments of Gemczar/Oxaliplatin and has had quite a ride. His
    energy levels have dropped considerably. He has been on & off Megace and
    is currently enjoying Decadron. My big question is what to expect next.
    [lpaul] 10:06 pm: If anyone can read the tea leaves, please help. I am
    annoyed with the lack of experience his community Oncologist has. We
    have a Boston “of Counsel” at Dana Farber that we see every 8 weeks who is
    very knowledgable but the day to day is beating us up.
    [lpaul] 10:09 pm: Has anyone seen high Ammonia Levels in the Liver and do
    you know if these are terriblly unsafe/what to do other then take Unisol or
    some such other laxative? His dose for Gemzetabine has just been reduced
    by 20%. Is this a sign of failure or a downturn? Whatever information or
    experiences you can share I would be truly obliged. Keep the Faith and
    thank you in advance for your time and care.

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