My husband and CC – Update & Thanks for your replies

Discussion Board Forums General Discussion My husband and CC – Update & Thanks for your replies

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    Thanks everyone, Lainy and Percy will be replying to you shortly. Marion thanks for the information on finding the e-mail for PCL. Take care and Godbless Phil


    Hi Marion across the world! Why didn’t I think of that? Oh, I guess I had just woke up while you were up all day! :):):) Hope you are having a great time!
    Its in the hundreds here today and 30 MPH winds. Lots of hot air blowing around! Have fun and enjoy!


    Phil.. ….let’s look at Lainy: Left side, below green bar:

    From: Phoenix AZ
    :Posts: 4050
    IP 65 118 178 108


    You may simply click on e-mail and voila….you may send a note

    Good luck,


    Pru-I just e mailed you. IF you can pull up an older post that PCL has written, under his name on the left it says e-mail. Just click on that and the e-mail form pops up. I know he will get your note.

    Example: Go to General Discussion and click on that. Posts from that category will appear. Keep going down the page until you see one with PCL on it and click on that post. When you see his name and info to the left click on e mail.


    Hi Lainy/PCL and the whole CC community,
    Aplologies for the delay in thanking you for all the feedback. It has been a bit difficult juggling work/home/kids.
    Update on my hubby, he has a new symptom and now that is pain in his shoulder bone I think it is called the humerus?. We have not tested the CA19-9 as the specialist suggested to wait a month before we have the next test. It is just awful, anytime there is a new symptom we think the cancer has spread. I am hoping that it has not spread to his bone. I must also admit, I have been feeling drained, not knowing where we are going with all this. Some days I just do not want to think about this Monster. My only consolation is when I post on this website. Thanks

    Yes, Gerard(hubby) did have whipples in August 2009. I will e-mail you right now.

    I cannot find an e-mail address for you? is it ok to e-mail you?


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