My Husband and Cholangiocarcinoma

Discussion Board Forums Introductions! My Husband and Cholangiocarcinoma

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    It’s GREAT about the “no spread”!! As to the rest … I hope today was much better. Jx


    WOW! What an adventure. One Tom didn’t need. Glad he could head them off at the pass. Hopefully today will be a better day. :)


    Oh, Margaret that is wonderful news about the “no cancer” part but holy cow about the side trip! Thank goodness Tom was aware and could speak out! I think you both deserve some really dynamite down time! Wishing Tom a speedy recovery from the infection.


    hi margaret,
    sorry to here about toms mishap, hope he feels better and gets strong enough to go home…we are very happy to hear that the cancer did not spread, THATS GREAT NEWS, we are praying and wishing tom and yourself the very best……..lucille and ron


    YIKES! Scary stuff. Hope things calm down. Get rid of that infection and get him home!



    That was very poor,that mixup.I couldnt see it happening in the hospital that I work in.You should ask for feedback about what measures have been implemented to improve their checking procedures.
    Good news about the scans,bad news about the infection-I hope Tom has a good response to the antibiotics Janet



    Thank you so much, you don’t know how much your words of encouragement mean to both Tom and I. He wanted me to tell you all that he is “so thankful that I’ve found many friends to help me get through this mess that he is in” So thank you from the bottom of our hearts!

    They did 4 cultures, blood from each arm (did you know that you can have an infection in only one side of your body?) the urine and the bile and all 4 grew! The doc said that is highly unusual, but it means that the infection is spread throughout his body. They are still growing the cultures to isolate the strain of the virus and see what antibotics will kill it. They currently have him on three different ones to help to keep it in check until they can isolate it.

    The good news is that the cancer has NOT SPREAD! Yippee Skipee!!! No evidence of any cancer anywhere else in his body.

    He did start to perk up a little bit tonight and I’m hoping to see him smiling when I get there tomorrow. Today he slept most of the day when he wasn’t being taken to places for tests that were not ordered. Ok, I realize that mistakes happen but whatever happened to the doc’s and medical personnel checking the wrist band? He was scheduled for a renal ultrasound today. Transport picked him up at 7:30am (should have been gone for 25 min at the most) After 2 1/2 hours the little wifey is starting to get a tad bit concerned!!!

    Just about the time I was going to go start questioning what they did with my hubby, they come wheeling him into the room and tell me that he took a little jaunt down to the basement of the hospital to the GI surgery ward. They actually got him up onto the table, hung an IV and connected it to his IV line and were going to spray something into his mouth to numb it when Tom said “I don’t think I’m supposed to be here” (he was groggy from the sleeping meds yet at this time)… Oh how quick they were to suddenly check his wrist band and realize that they had the wrong person!

    Needless to say it was reported to his nurse and the head honcho came in and talked to us. She was appalled that this had happened and said it would be investigated. One of the questions she asked was “And they actually got him up on the table and hooked up an IV?” which was of course “Yes”.

    I told her we weren’t going to contact our attorney about it, but they better ensure that going forward, the proper procedures were followed. What if Tom had not said anything??? Would they have proceeded with the procedure? Most likely yes….and that would not have been good.

    So, going forward, this little wife will be going with him for any and all procedures to make sure that he only gets what was ordered.

    Hoping for a much better day tomorrow. Keep smiling!

    Go with God and KEEP KICKIN’ THAT cancer!



    Hi Margaret,

    Sorry to hear of this. I hope Tom is feeling a bit better today and that you both get some good news from Tom’s test results today.

    Thinking of you both and my best wishes to the 2 of you,




    I’m so sorry to hear all of this. I too am hoping things will start to get better again soon. Thinking of you both and hoping that today is a better day.

    Love & Hugs,


    Hang in there. Hopefully this will all calm down with the iv antibiotics. Sending warm hugs and thoughts.



    Hi Margaret, I can see by the time on your post you were up most of the night!
    I am so sorry to hear about Tom’s fall and although I am not a pro it sounds like an infection. When T had his 2 blood infections symptoms were the same.
    OK, I feel compelled to make you have a little smile. We are so hoping for a quick turn around today!


    Kate: We should know the results of the scan by today. Tom has already said that if they tell us that the cancer has spread, he will not resume chemo…and as hard as that will be, I will support him all the way as I know he is making the right decision….for him.



    All the things you suggest sound like infection – temp etc. I hope the IV antibiotics will start to do the trick soon.

    How long will it take for the results of the scan?
    Thinking of you and hoping the docs can help Tom out over next few days.


    Magic: Thankfully he was not injured when he fell. He has left leg weakness from his stroke in 2005, and with his weight loss he is not as strong and the leg just gave out. (He thought that perhaps he was having another stroke, but they have ruled that out I think)

    Marions: They are doing a culture, but no news on that as of yet, sometimes it takes 24/48 hours to grow a culture.

    Thanks for keeping him in your prayers, much appreciated.

    Go with God and KEEP KICKIN’ THAT cancer.



    Margaret….Did they do a culture re: the infection?
    I hope that tomorrow is a better day. Please, keep us informed.
    I am sending all my best wishes for Tom to show improvement real soon.

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