The following is the eulogy I gave at my husbands funeral. He passed from this life to the next on August 11th 2007. This website has helped jerry and I tremendously and We are so lucky to have found it. we have been with this website since jerry’s diagnose a year and 1/2 a go. You are all truly a blessing to us and you will never know the ways you have touched our lives. I will miss him always.
I stand here before you to talk about a man we all loved very much. Traditionally the wife does not give the eulogy at a funeral but in Jerry and my case we never did anything traditionally in our relationship so we both thought this would be the perfect choice.
When I first met Jerry he was a regular at the Dunkin Donuts that I worked at, he came in and purchased only a muffin took the paper to one of the tables finished his muffin and left. One morning I asked him